Arrival / Morning Work
Morning Meeting
Work Time
Lunch / Recess

What is the first thing you should do when you come into the building in the morning? 

Walk into the classroom and unpack.


Can you name the four parts of morning meeting? 

Greeting, Share, Activity, Message 


Do I have to follow directions the teacher gives me? Why?!

Yes, you are expected to follow the directions of the special's teachers just like you follow Ms. Kalman's directions. They are your teachers during that time and the class is much more fun if you just follow directions! 


If you are not sure what you should be doing during group work, what should you do? 

You should ask the teacher at your station to help you. You should not interrupt them if they are talking or working with another student. 


There's no food you like in the cafeteria! What can you do? Can you just not eat lunch and only eat snacks? 

No! Everyone should be eating lunch to make their brains healthy and ready to learn. If you do not like any of the choices, you can choose one of the cold lunches, or ask your parents to get you something to bring from home. Doritos, chips, and ice cream are not lunch! 


If you need to get breakfast, when should you get it?

Right after unpacking. 


What should I do if I want to say or share something? 

Raise my hand! 


How am I expected to behave during specials classes? 

You are expected to have quiet calm bodies and listen to the teachers in the classroom. 


Can I ask to go to the bathroom during group work or when Ms. Kalman is teaching? 

No! Unless it is an absolute emergency, bathroom breaks should be saved for snack time, break times, or lunch and recess. 


If I finish eating my lunch early, what should I do?

I should sit at my lunch table. I can talk to friends, play a game, or draw/color a picture. 


When I finish my morning work, where should I put it? 

I put it in the black bin on Ms. Kalman's desk. 


Where and how should I be sitting during morning meeting? 

On the rug in a circle with a quiet and calm body.

There will be other students in some of your specials with you this year. How should you behave around them? 

Introduce yourself! Talk to new students that you don't know. They might be nervous just like you might be, but it is always great to make a new friend or make someone feel included! 


I am getting frustrated and annoyed because this work is hard! What can I do to feel better? 

I can: 

-Ask to take a break for a minute.

-Take some deep breaths to calm down.

-Ask the teacher to help me figure out the work.

-Ask to go to the calm down corner with a timer. 


You are outside for recess and somebody tells you that you can't play with them. What should you do? What should you NOT do? 

You can either walk away and find something else to do, or tell the teacher and let them talk to the other students. You should NOT yell at them or use your hands on them. 


When I am finished with my morning work, what should I do? 

Find something quiet to do at my desk like read, sand, coloring page, put my head down, drawing. 


Is it okay if you don't win in the game or activity? 

What should you do if you don't win?

Yes, it's okay to not win every time. I should say good job to the winner! 


Somebody in my class is not doing what they are supposed to be doing. What should I do? 

You can give them one reminder by saying "Hey ______, you should _____." If they still do not listen, just make sure you are doing the right thing and let the teachers worry about that student. 
I don't feel like doing work! Can I just decide that I am no doing it? What will happen if I don't do work during group time?
No! You are expected to complete your work during group time. If you do not at least try to do your work, you will have to make it up during recess or for homework. 

Somebody you are playing with wants to do something you know is not nice or going to get you into trouble. What should you do? 

You can start by speaking up and telling them that is not a good idea. If they do not listen, you should walk away and do not get involved, or tell the teacher. 


Yes or no: Should I be walking around the room or at someone else's desk when I am done with my morning work? 


Can I just decide that I don't want to play the game or activity? 

No! Everybody is included and expected to participate in the activities and games. 


When walking in the hallway to get to specials, how should you be acting? 

Do you have to listen to Ms. V or Mrs. G in the hallway and at specials? 

You should be walking in the hallway with a calm, quiet body and quiet voice. You should be walking in a line behind the person in front of you.

Yes! Ms. V and Mrs. G are teachers just like Ms. Kalman. You are expected to listen to them and follow their directions. 

I am done early or the teacher is working with another student. What should I do? 

I can sit quietly for a few minutes until the teacher is ready to work with me, or take something quiet out of my folder to work on. 


Oh no! Something happened outside at recess! Should you tell Mrs. G while you are still outside or wait to tell Ms. Kalman when you get back in the classroom after recess? 

You should tell Mrs. G while you are still outside so that she can handle the situation! DO NOT wait to tell Ms. Kalman after recess is already over.