What is the first thing you do when the bell rings?
READ the Do Now and DO the Do Now.
What happens if you are not in your assigned seat?
You will be marked absent.
True or False: The papers completed as "notes" are grades.
What is respect?
"the act of treating others with kindness, consideration, and consideration of their feelings and needs"
Where can you find the pencils?
In the purple basket on the back table.
How many minutes do you have to complete the Do Now?
You have 3 minutes.
What is the first thing that happens when you DON'T follow the social contract?
You get a warning.
How many points do you earn for the phone hotel EACH WEEK?
You earn 50 points each week.
What is safety?
"taking steps to protect themselves and others from accidents"
When do you come ask Miss Todd for extra help?
During Academic Support.
When someone is talking, what do you do?
Stay silent and listen.
What is the second thing that happens when you DON'T follow the social contract?
You will be moved seats.
What percentage of your class grade are formatives worth?
Formatives are worth 20% of your entire grade.
What is integrity?
doing the right thing, even when no one is watching
When are Binder Checks?
When do you put your phone in the phone hotel?
After the bell, during the Do Now.
What is the last thing that happens when you DON'T follow the social contract?
What percentage of your class grade are summatives worth?
Summatives are worth 80% of your entire grade.
What is a social contract?
"an agreement about how to treat each other within the classroom"
When are grade checks?
On Tuesdays
When is Miss Todd going to give out snacks?
What happens if you do not pass this class?
You will not be able to take electives of your choice next year.
What can you get extra credit for?
Going to Academic Support and having your teacher sign off.
What is widdershins?
To move counterclockwise or in an opposite direction than normal.
If you don't complete the summatives, can you pass this class?
Not at all.