When is the correct time to sharpen your pencil?
When the speaker is done talking.
What time does 3rd period start AFTER the grade-level brain break?
11:33 (break ends at 11:29, 4 minute passing period)
What is the appropriate voice level in the stairwells?
Voice Level 1 and 2
What is the voice level in the library?
Level 0 or 1
When can you use your personal electronics?
Before 9:00am and after 3:45pm
What supplies should be in the table caddy by the end of the period?
Highlighters, markers, colored pencils only.
Where is the sensory room located?
Room 112, main floor
True/False: Library Smartpasses count towards your total daily pass use
What happens if you are tardy to class three times?
Office referral / lunch detention
Where do you put your pencil at the end of the class period before you leave?
Return it to the cup!
How long are passing periods between classes?
4 minutes
Name one of our school counselors.
Rita Hocking-Kombol
Beth Schille-O’Connor
Debora Riber
What time should you head to your first period class?
When the 9:10 bell rings.
Name a type of mindfulness strategy we have learned about in class.
Square breathing, counting objects, noticing items in the room around us, tracing lines, starfish breathing
What is the name of Mrs. Ferrier’s youngest son?
List two ways the teacher may ask for the full class attention.
1. “If you can hear my voice, clap once”
2. Repeat the clapping pattern
3. Countdown to 0
What should you do when you are finished with your lunch? (3 things)
Throw away trash, empty your tray, and spray/clean your table
Where do we store our backpacks and belongings?
Name at least three locations in the building that require a Smartpass.
Bathroom, locker, library, offices, sensory room, other Puma classrooms
What is the name of Ms. Callanan’s cat?
Where do you put classroom supplies when finished? Give an example in your answer.
Return to correct location.
(Examples may vary)
What are 3 consistent norms for work at the whiteboards?
Standing, ask before erasing, one person recording, work together, show thinking, uplift ideas and take risks
What is the name of our principal? (Extra points for vice principal, too!)
Mrs. Darragh (principal)
Mrs. Hulford (vice principal)
How many Smartpasses are students allotted each day?
1. pencil
2. folder
3. independent reading book
4. computer with case