Bathroom Expectations
Walkway Expectations
Classroom Expectations
Being Kind

What should you be doing when you go to the restroom?

Use the bathroom, wash your hands, throw your trash away


What should you do if someone tries to talk to you in the walkway or while in line?

Ignore them


If have something to say or ask the teacher, I should stay sitting in my seat and do what?

Raise my hand silently


What should you do if someone falls?

Help them up and see if they are ok, do not laugh


How should you go to the bus, walker gate or car pick up areas?

Make sure you are ALWAYS walking, listening for your name, and quietly getting to your area.


Name one thing you should NOT do in the restroom

talk, climb the toilets or hang on stalls, make a mess


What does Mrs. Brog say when we are in line and leaving the class? "We are ______ not ______."

We are walking not talking.


I hear Mrs. Brog ring the doorbell sound, what should I do?

Turn my eyes to Mrs. Brog, stop touching my materials, voice is off and I'm paying attention.


What should you do if you find something that isn't yours.

Give it to the teacher so the teacher can find out who it belongs to.


How should you act in the cafeteria?

Listen to the adults in the cafeteria, no throwing food, do not yell, do not play.


Are you allowed to walk out of the classroom without permission when you need to use the bathroom? (yes or no)

Name one thing you should NOT do in the walkway while in line.

talk, dancing, singing, turn around towards others, messing around, touching things or others


What should you be doing if someone else is speaking?

Listen, pay attention, be respectful, and voices are off


How should you act on the playground?

be kind, include others, keep your hands to yourself, be safe


What 3 things do I need do as soon as I walk into Mrs. Brog's classroom? And HOW should I do them?

QUIETLY put my water in the water bottle cart, put my backpack in my cubby, and look at what materials I need out for the day.

If someone is in the restroom and not following rules what should you do?

Tell a teacher


What should you do when an adult in the school asks you to do something?

follow their instructions


What 2 things should you have before you leave or enter Mrs. Brog's classroom?

backpack AND computer

extra: water bottle or jacket


When is tattling okay?

Never. Unless someone is unsafe emotionally or physically, you should not need to tattle. If you really feel you need to, talk to the teacher privately.


If you see others at your table that are not following expectations, what is 1 GOOD and 1 BAD way to help them?

GOOD: Quietly and nicely remind them what they should be doing.

BAD: Telling them loudly or being mean that they are off task or messing around or not doing what they should be.


If you are messing around in the restroom and Mrs. Brog finds out and asks you about it, what should you do?

Tell the truth! You'll get in less trouble!


When walking down the hallway what should you be doing?

walking calmly, quietly, facing forward, walking with a purpose


Mrs. Brog called on me, but I'm nervous and not sure I have the correct answer. What should I do?

Give it your best shot! Never say "I don't know". You got this!


Should you fart or burp in class?



What irritates Mrs. Brog the most?

Walking up to her without raising your hand first.