
Our morning routine consists on these 4 things.

What is 

come in quietly

hang things up and grab everything you need

wipe down your desk with a clorox wipe

work on your morning work silently


This is what you need to do when the whistle blows for recess ending

What is line up quickly and no talking so we can go eat lunch!


This is how many people can go to the bathroom at the same time

What is 1 girl and 1 boy


All homework must be completed by this time with the exception of asking a question about the homework

What is 8:10


These areas are off limits to students

What is Miss Belcher's closet, her rocking chair and desk area


This is the voice level I may have during lunch

What is a level 1 or 2 voice


These are bad times to ask to use the restroom

What is when Miss Belcher is teaching, working with a partner, during mass, and during a test


The consequence for not completing your homework.

What is take away a homework sticker unless you lost all then a written referral


Miss Belcher is busy helping another student. These are my options that I can do while I wait

What is ask 3 before me or the need to see me numbered clothespin


This is when you can go from a Level 0 to an appropriate voice level for recess

What is when both feet are out of the school building


These are the best times to use the restroom

What is during a transition time or during independent work time

Miss Belcher is not these things

What is your mom and your babysitter


The end of the school day is here! This is what our routine looks like

What is

get out planners quickly and quietly

write in planners with Miss Belcher

gather all materials quietly and wait for Miss Belcher to dismiss you to pack up

Pack up and sit down at your desk (you may read, work on homework, or just sit quietly)

Say prayer and then sit down silently for Miss Belcher to dismiss you


I need to use the restroom at lunch. This is what I need to do

What is raise my hand and wait for an adult to dismiss me


This is how I need to be during Mass

What is sitting silently, participating, and following directions


Oh no! There was some talking in line on our way back to class. This is our consequence

Bonus: what happens if we continue to talk after our consequence

What is walk back to where we came from and try again

Bonus: What is walk back to where we came from again and owe recess minutes


These are ways we are respectful, responsible, and safe in our classroom

What is 

everything on classroom agreement/contract


There is a mess underneath my spot at lunch. This is what I need to do

What is clean up after yourself


You are setting an example for the younger kids. This is what I need to do in the bathrooms and at mass

What is

student responses


You want Miss Belcher's attention. This is what I need to do to get it

What is raise my hand and wait to be called on