
A student had a bad morning, and doesn't feel like focusing on their work -- what should they do?

Let the teacher know and do their best to avoid disrupting others' work time


You were absent a couple days and missed some big writing assignments - what should you do?

You should ask the teacher (during a time they are not teaching at the front) if they can help you get what you need to complete the assignments at home


The recess bell rings - what should you do?

Stop playing, take a knee, wait for an adult to tell you it's okay to line up, then quickly make your way toward the line
Another student calls you a name - what should you do?

Ignore it (you don't need to tell an adult unless it's a repeated issue, or you are really uncomfortable from the situation)


You see a student alone on the playground - what can you do?

You can see if they're okay and want someone to hang out with (it's okay if they tell you they want to be alone!)


Another student threw a pencil across the room at you - what is the correct response?

Ignore it and let the teacher know


You're having some trouble working on an assignment, but you want to get as many points as possible on it - what should you do?

You should ask a friend or the teacher for help


The teacher tells you that notes are optional for an assignment the class is working on - what would an attentive student do?

Take some notes just in case they'll be useful later


The teacher gives you a handout and tells you that it should go in your binder - what should you NOT do?

Lose it, tear it up, or just toss it to the side


Another student drops their binder, and their materials spill everywhere - what should you do?

Help them pick up everything


You see your friend across the hallway while out walking to the bathroom - what should you NOT do?

You should not yell across at them - a wave is enough


You got a little off task and were unable to complete an assignment that was due before the end of the day - what should you do?

You should take the assignment home and finish it as homework, or ask the teacher if you can stay in during a recess to complete it

You go in the bathroom and notice some writing on the stalls that wasn't there the last time you went - what should you do?

Let an adult know as soon as you see it so they can figure out who did it (and also so they don't blame you later when it eventually does get reported!)


You and your friends are looking for somewhere to hang out and just talk during recess time - where is an inappropriate place to do this?

The bathroom


You notice there is a lot of trash on the cafeteria tables and floor - what can you do?

You can help the noon aides out by picking up and throwing away the trash


Other students in the cafeteria are shouting at each other while talking - what should you do?

You should try to keep your volume low, regardless of how loud the other tables are talking


While working on a math assignment, your friend shows you a way to solve a problem you hadn't thought of before - what would a hard-working student do in this situation?

Copy down the example problem into their notes, so they can use it to study for math at home


You leave class to use the bathroom - how should you be getting there?

Walking in the halls quietly, not running, and paying attention to where you're going


An adult asks you to do something (or asks you to stop doing something) - what is the correct response?

To do what they ask and listen to them, don't argue

You see another student having a hard time completing their assignment - what can you do?

You can offer them help so they can get their work completed


You get into a disagreement with another student on the playground during recess, and they use inappropriate language toward you - what should you do?

You should walk away from the situation and try to calm down (and find a adult if you feel it is needed!)

If a teacher was looking around the room for an example of a hard-working student, what would they want to see?

A student who is on task, working on their assignment, asking questions, and has all their materials out and available


You're playing kickball on the playground at the same time there's a PE class happening - what should you do?

Make sure your game is not in the way of the class, and do your best to avoid kicking the ball towards them


There's a disagreement outside during a soccer game - what should you do?

You can: stop playing if it's too complicated to solve, grab an adult and have them help you, or just take a little break then get back to the game


Another student wants to use the basketball you're playing with during recess - what can you do?

You can invite them to join your game or offer to let them have it after some time passes