What does P stand for in PRIDE?
Be Prepared
What does C stand for in CHAMPS?
Conversation Level
Where does your textbook go?
On the bookshelf or under your desk.
What should you do when you enter the classroom?
Get your materials ready.
Be seated.
Start on opener.
What is our school mascot?
A Hornet.
What does R stand for in PRIDE?
Show Respect
What does H stand for in CHAMPS?
Where do you sharpen your pencil?
Point at the pencil sharpener.
What should you do when you exit the classroom?
Put materials away.
Sit at your seat until the bell rings.
Walk to the door.
Make sure classroom is clean.
What are our school colors?
Blue, gray, and white.
What does I stand for in PRIDE?
What does A stand for in CHAMPS?
Where can you get a calculator?
Point at the calculators.
What materials do we need for class?
What grades go to Williams?
6th, 7th, and 8th
What does D stand for in PRIDE?
What does M stand for in CHAMPS?
Where are the kleenex?
Point at the kleenex box.
How do you get permission to use the restroom?
Ask your teacher.
Fill out a smart pass.
Who is our principal?
Mr. Johnson
What does E stand for in PRIDE?
Strive for Excellence
What does P stand for in CHAMPS?
Where do you keep your notebooks?
Point at the notebook bins.
Where should chromebooks be when not in use?
Put away in Chromebook bag or under your desk.
What do you call the pouches you put your phone in?
A yondr pouch