If the door is locked, you should...
When someone doesn't hear me, I can...
Repeat myself
When playing something indoors, I should not...
Yell like I would outside
When you want to say something, you should...
Raise your hand
When someone has hurt my feelings, I can...
Talk to them about it.
If I don't like a game, I can...
Choose something else or play it anyway
When the teacher is talking, you should...
Be listening and looking.
When I want to spend time with a friend and they are busy with someone else, I can...
Find someone else to play with.
If someone else is not playing the same way I would, I can...
Ask if they want my help (and only give it if they say yes)
When I don't know what to do, or don't have something I need, I should...
Ask a classmate or the teacher
When me and my friend both want to go first when playing a game, I can...
If someone else is cheating at the game, I can...
Ask them to stop
When a classmate is trying to talk over the teacher, I should...
Listen to the teacher.
When someone wants to do something different than I want to do, I can...
Compromise or do my own thing
If I lose a game, I should...
Try to stay calm. Think about how I am having fun. Try playing again!