Was this conversation expected?
How would they feel?
Where would this conversation be EXPECTED
Expected or Unexpected

Josh asks a friend at school about their private parts

UNEXPECTED! Asking friends at school about their private parts is never expected and can make other people feel uncomfortable and unsafe.


Emma's classmate Quinn asks her if they can play together at recess

Asking a peer to play is an expected question. Emma likely feels happy being asked to play, she also has the choice to say no if she doesn't feel  like playing with Quinn during this recess. 


A conversation about what I like to do for fun

At home, at school, with friends


James smacks Evan on the bum outside while they are playing tag

Unexpected. Touching other people in private areas even while playing tag is unexpected. 


Emma asks her friend what she did on the weekend

EXPECTED! Asking a friend about what they did over the weekend shows that we care and that we are interested


Jonny's brother pulls down his pants while he is brushing his teeth before bed and starts laughing 

Jonny is probably really upset and embarrassed. It is not expected or okay to touch or remove anyone elses clothing but our own. 


A conversation about what I do when I'm in the bathroom

At home only


Lilly is feeling sad and asks her friend if she can have a hug. 

This is expected. Notice that Lilly has ASKED if she can have a hug - this gives her friend the chance to say no if she doesn't feel like giving a hug 


Xavier asks his dad a question about his body

Expected! Conversations about our body parts are expected with our caregivers at home. 


Greg is wondering if he will grow body hair like his dad. Greg asks his dad about if he will get dark hair on his arms and legs someday too. 

Asking questions to parents about our body and health is expected. Greg's dad is likely happy to answer Greg's questions about growing up and about how old we are when we start to grow more body hair. 

A conversation about what private parts look like 

This is not an expected conversation! If you have questions about your body or private parts these are questions we can ask our guardians or our doctor


Reid stares at his classmate during english to try and make him laugh

Unexpected. Staring at other people in class means that we are not focused on doing our work and that we might be distracting someone else from their work as well!


Elly notices a smell in the classroom and asks her classmate "did you shower today?"

UNEXPECTED! It is not expected to ask personal questions about hygiene and body parts to classmates at school. This question could make our classmates feel upset


Tyson is trying to make friends in his class by being silly. While running around at recess he tries to make other students laugh by pretending to look at their privates. 

It is unexpected to look at or try to touch anyone's body at school. Even though tyson is trying to make friends, his classmates probably feel uncomfortable and upset by his actions. 


A conversation about what I want to do on my birthday

At home, at school, with friends


Zeno asks his health teacher about puberty 

Expected. Having conversations about puberty and growing up would be expected with a health teacher. 


Casey feels curious about if other students bodies look like his. Casey asks his soccer team mate if he can see his body under his clothes

UNEXPECTED! It is never expected to ask another person to look at their body underneath their clothes - especially at school. This could make Caseys team mate feel uncomfortable and upset. 


Emma is at a doctor's appointment with her mom. Emma asks her pediatrician a question about going to the bathroom. 

Asking a doctor about our body and how it works is expected! Emma's doctor is likely happy to educate Emma about how her body works. 

A conversation about kissing 

This is not an expected conversation for a young person. It would not be expected to talk about kissing with classmates or at school. It would be expected to ask your guardian if you have questions about romantic relationships. 


Ben tries to sniff another student at break to make them laugh

Unexpected. Invading other people's personal space is not expected and not funny.