SOAR Expectations
What do I do?
Expected vs. Unexpected Behaviors
Is this topic appropriate for school?

What do you earn if you SOAR?

Eagle Ticket

What do I do if I get into an argument with a friend during recess?

I would find an appropriate time to talk with my friend about how I was feeling. I would try to solve the problem on my own before involving adults. 


My teacher is talking about something that I am really interested in. I raise my hand at the same time that I blurt an answer. Expected or Unexpected? What could I do instead?

Unexpected. I need to wait for my teacher to call on me before answering. 


During PE, my friends and I keep making farting noises and distracting those around us. 



What does S.O.A.R. stand for?

Safety, Ownership, Attitude, Respect


What do I do if I notice someone sitting on the buddy bench?

I could invite them to play or sit with them. 


I asked my teacher to go get a drink of water. On my way back, I took the "long way" and walked very slowly back to class. Expected or Unexpected? What could I do instead?

Unexpected. I could ask my teacher for a break or use the calm down corner. 


My dog passed away over the weekend and I can't stop thinking about it. During lunch, I talked to my friends about how I am feeling very sad.



Why is it important to SOAR?

It is important to SOAR so that we are able to learn in a safe and welcoming place. 


What do I do if my classmates keep talking about things that make me uncomfortable?

I could walk away. I could tell them stop. If it does not stop, I need to tell an adult. 


On the bus ride home, students kept getting up and down and switching seats. Expected or Unexpected? What could I do instead?

Unexpected. Stay seated to ensure safety. 


While playing a game in class, a student got frustrated because she didn't win. That student told another student that they "better watch their back". 



What SOAR category would "school appropriate language" go into? 



What do I do if I hear a classmate say that they are going to hurt someone during art?

I would tell the teacher immediately. I would not get involved with the students. 

During recess, my friends and I were all joking with each other while playing tag. Jack runs very quickly so we started to call him "speedy monster". We noticed Jack didn't like the name but we thought it was funny so we kept calling him that anyway. 

Unexpected. If someone is telling you that they do not like something, then respect what they are saying. 


During writing, I'm upset so I start to write and draw hurtful things on my paper.



Detail what SOAR expectations would look like in the classroom?

Safe body, being prepared, accept responsibility, show kindness to others


What do I do if someone brings something to school that I think is scary?

Tell an adult immediately. 


During lunch, my friend told me that an adult in her life has been mean to her repeatedly. She told me not to tell anyone, but I told my teacher. Expected or Unexpected? What could I do instead?

Expected. If you think someone could be in trouble or getting hurt, you need to tell an adult. 


During recess, my friends and I were talking about the different kinds of weapons there are on Fortnite.
