History & Organization Fundamentals 1
Seabee History
First Aid Fundamentals
Alfa, the SUPRERIOR company
History & Organization Fundamentals 2

In relation to coms, what does the term BEADWINDOW refer to or mean? 

A real-time procedure used to alert circuit operators that an unauthorized disclosure has occurred over a non-secured circuit. BEADWINDOW also warns other operators on the net of the disclosure.


How many Seabees served during WW II? 

More than 325,000


What are the 4 TYPES of buns? 






What does CESE, MHE, & WHE stand for? 

CESE- Civil Engineering Support Equipment

MHE- Material Handling Equipment

WHE- Weight Handling Equipment 


What is the mission, capabilities, and projected operating areas for the following NECC command as applicable: 

CRS (Coastal Riverine Force)

CRS- Coastal Riverine Force 

Coastal Riverine Force (CRF) operates in harbors, rivers, bays, across the littorals and ashore. The primary mission of CRF is to conduct maritime security operations across all phases of military operations by defending high value assets, critical maritime infrastructure, ports and harbors both inland and on coastal waterways against enemies and when commanded conduct offensive combat operations.


As it relates to Naval Intelligance, what are the 5 steps in the intelligence cycle? 

(1) Planning & Direction
(2) Collection
(3) Processing
(4) Production and
(5) Dissemination


When was the official "Seabee" name adopted, and what is it's significance? 

March 05, 1942

Seabee's Birthday!!


What does M.I.S.T. stand for and why is it used? 

M.I.S.T. is used in conjunction with a 9-Line MEDEVAC. It is amplifying information for

M-Mechanism of Injury

I – Injuries or illness sustained

S – Symptoms and vital signs

       A- Airway, B- Breathing Rate, C- Pulse Rate, D- Conscious/Unconscious,

       E- Other Signs

T – Treatment given

        Example: Tourniquet & time applied, morphine

What is a 9-11240/13, and a DD 1970 form for and their purposes? 

NAVFAC Form 9-11240/13, also referred to as a “Hard Card”.

Used daily before checking out a piece of CESE.

Note deficiencies on card and return to dispatch.

If minor maintenance is needed (I.E. low on oil, water, air etc…) it is incumbent on the operator to correct those deficiencies

Vehicle trip ticket (DD 1970):

Are required daily for all off station dispatching.

The following information will be completed by the operator.

Date, Type of vehicle, registration # of vehicle, organization, fuel and oil (recorded in remarks), operators name and signature, odometer or hour meter reading for both "out" and "in". 



Discuss the following personnel including roles and responsibilities in the chain of command:

N-4 Supply Officer

N-4 Supply Officer - responsible under the CO for procuring, receiving, storing, issuing, shipping, transferring, selling, accounting for, and, while in his/her custody, maintaining all stores & equipment of the command, except as otherwise noted in regulations.


What are the 4 qualities that characterize the Navy teams as instruments to support national policies? 

1. Readiness

2. Flexibility

3. Self-sustainability

4. Mobility


Who was the first person to recommend that the Navy establish Construction Battalions? and what was his Tital? 

RADM Ben Moreell, Chief of the Navy's Bureau of Navy Yards and Docks. 


What is the rule of 9's for an adult? 

Head = 9%

Chest (front) = 9%

Abdomen (front) = 9%

Upper/mid/low back and buttocks = 18%

Each arm = 9% (front = 4.5%, back = 4.5%)

Groin = 1%

Each leg = 18% total (front = 9%, back = 9%)


What is the main difference between Organic Equipment and Augmented equipment? 

Organic Equipment: 

Organic Allowances are designed to support a unit’s mission as defined by that unit’s ROC and POE. Organic Equipment is on our Table of Allowance (TOA). Identified in CORIVRON by a blue diamond shaped decal which contains the appropriate designator in white numerals

Augment Equipment: 

Requested when an assigned project requires more equipment than the organic allowance supplies. Augment CESE is requested by the Commanding Officer. Identified in CORIVRON by a white diamond shaped decal which contains the appropriate designator in blue numerals.


State the mission, capabilities, and projected operating areas for the following NECC commands as applicable:
Naval Expeditionary Logistics (NAVELSG)

Naval Expeditionary Logistics Group- Provide combat service support through logistics operations, which include port operations, fuel distribution, postal operations and air cargo missions.


What is a date time group message? 

For Identification, tracking, and filing purposes.

Has two parts: 

2 Digit day

4 Digit Time then single letter zone

3 letter month and year


When and who was the only US Navy Seabee to have ever be awarded the Medal of Honor in the Vietnam War? 

Marvin Glenn Shields (December 30, 1939 – June 10, 1965) was the first and only United States Navy Seabee to be awarded the Medal of Honor. He was also the first sailor to receive the Medal of Honor for heroism above and beyond the call of duty in the Vietnam War.


What are the 6 methods of transporting a victim? 

Stokes stretcher

Blanket drag

Fireman carry

Arm carry


Pack-strap carry


What is the Standard Form 91 and a DD Form 518?? 

(AKA: The Seabee F*&^ Up form)

Standard Form 91:

Motor Vehicle Accident Report. Each vehicle shall also carry the Motor Vehicle Accident Report, Standard Form 91, and an accident identification card (DD Form 518), and all drivers shall be thoroughly instructed in their proper use.


Discuss the following personnel including roles and responsibilities in the chain of command:
Commanding Officer

CO- Has absolute responsibility safety, well-being & efficiency of his/her command.


Who was the first Navy Commander in Chief of the Navy and when did he put the 1st squadron to sea?

Commander in Chief Esek Hopkins

February 1776 


Between 1949-1953 Naval Construction Battalions were organized into what 2 different types of units?

NACB- Naval Amphibious Construction Battalions 

NMCB- Naval Mobile Construction Battalions 


What are the 9 line MEDEVAC components and how many of these do you need at a minimum to fly?

Your need the first 5 lines minimum to fly.

1. Location (grid coordinates) 

2. Radio Frequency, Call sign

3. # of patients by precedence (A- None, B- Hoist, C- Extraction equipment required, D ventilator required)

4. Special equipment required

5. # and type (litter or ambulatory) of patients

6. Security of the pickup site

7. How the pickup site will be marked.

8. Patient nationality and Status

9. Terrain description 


What are the following license used for, OF/346 and 11260/2?

OF/346: The military driver’s license which lists the vehicles you are authorized to drive. Can be from 1 ¼ ton pick-up truck to 20 ton tractor. GOOD FOR 4 YEARS.

11260/2: Heavy construction equipment license. Maintained with your license record in the license examiner’s office. It lists all the construction equipment you are authorized to operate. GOOD FOR 4 YEARS.


Discuss the importance of the following conflicts as they relate to Naval History:
Battle of Coral Sea

Battle of Coral Sea- 1942 battle fought entirely with aircraft launched from carriers; US & Japanese fleets never saw each other. Japan suffered heavy losses and was forced to cancel Port Moresby.