Ancient Olympics
Modern Olympics
Summer Olympics
USA Olympics
Misc. Olympics

Where were the ancient Olympics held? (Hint: Looking for a city)

What is Olympia, Greece?


What long-distance running event was created in the first modern Olympic games and has since become popular across the world?

What is the Marathon?


Where was the 2020 Summer Olympics held?

Where is Tokyo, Japan?


What year did the NBA “Dream Team” participate in the Olympics?

What is 1992?


Which countries athletes are always the last to enter in the Parade of Nations at the opening ceremony?

Who is the host nation's athletes?


The Olympics were first held to honor which Greek God?

Who is Zeus?


The Olympics were not held 3 times due to these two major global events.

What are WWI and WWII?


What Summer Olympic sport that is listed last alphabetically?

What is wrestling?


What is the last year the US Men's National Basketball Team did not win the gold medal in the Olympics?

What is 2004?


What city is hosting the 2028 Summer Olympics?

What is Los Angeles?


What were winners awarded with during the ancient games?

What is an olive wreath?


What do the five rings of the Olympic Symbol stand for?

What are the five inhabited continents?


Where is the United States' official summer Olympic training center?

a. Lake Tahoe, CA

b. Lake Placid, NY

c. Colorado Springs, CO

d. Tampa Bay, FL

Where is Colorado Springs, CO?


Who is the most decorated Olympic athlete?

Who is Michael Phelps?


What U.S. male sprinter that has won the most gold medals during his career?

Who is Carl Lewis?


What did athletes wear when competing?

What is nothing? All athletes competed naked.


What are Olympic medals are made of?

What is Silver? (with gold plating)


What two Winter Olympic sports originally made their debut in the Summer Olympic Games?

What is figure skating and ice hockey?


What USA athlete famously won three gold medals in track and field at the 1936 Olympics in Berlin, making history as an African American athlete?

Who is Jesse Owens?


How old is the youngest Olympic gold medalist in modern Summer Olympics?

What is 13 years old? (Marjorie Gestring, a 13-year-old American diver who won the springboard competition in 1936 )


Name three of the main events held during the Ancient Olympics?

Running, long jump, shot put, javelin, boxing, pankration, and equestrian events


What are the five summer sports that have been included in every modern Olympic competition since 1896?

What are track and field, swimming, cycling, fencing and  gymnastics?


What sport is making its debut at the 2024 Olympics in Paris?

What is breakdancing?


How many has hosted the United States the Summer Olympic Games?

What is 4 times? (St. Louis, 1904; Los Angeles, 1932; Los Angeles, 1984; and Atlanta, 1996.)


What are the official languages of the games? (Looking for 3)

What are English and French plus the host country's language?