Another name for the jawbone.
What is mandible?
The name of the muscles that form the lips.
What is orbicularis oris?
The body of the tongue can be divided into these three parts.
What are the front, middle, and back?
Teeth are this kind of articulator.
What is fixed?
Fixed articulator that is used to pronounce "th" sound in English.
What are the teeth?
The relaxed buccinators are being stretched when you make this face.
What is chipmunk face (cheeks puffed)?
This muscle gives us a "creepy" smile.
that line that runs from the back of my tongue down to the tip, right in the middle
What is the midline?
Three fixed articulators.
What are teeth, hard palate, alveolar ridge?
Hissy sounds that the teeth make.
What are fricatives?
when contracted these muscles move the jaw from side to side
What is lateral pterygoid?
The lips can do multiple things. Name two.
What are curl and purse (or full lip rounding, trumpet)?
This part of the tongue can move with the body or independently from the body.
What is the root?
Three moveable articulators.
What are lips, tongue, velum (also jaw)?
Type of consonant made on the hard palate.
What is palatal?
These muscles (not masseter or temporalis) raise and lower the jaw.
What is the medial pterygoid?
The muscles that form the lips have two parts, called...
What are the inner ring and the outer ring?
There are two additional parts of the tongue in front of the front, they are...
What are the tip and the blade?
Tongue is this kind of articulator.
What is moveable?
located 1/4" behind the front teeth
What is the alveolar ridge?
You use these to make fish face.
"Smile" muscle.
What is zygomaticus?
complex muscles that work antagonistically
What is hydrostat?
The lateral pterygoids do this.
What is advance and retract the jaw?
•Important for producing consonants like:
•/t/, /d/, /s/, /z/, /n/, /l/, and /ɹ/
•“time”, “dime”, “sick”, “zoo”, “nice”, “lice”, “rice”
What is the alveolar ridge?