The Spine
The Knee
The Shoulder
Knee Muscles & Supporting Structures
The deepest layer of spinal muscles are called....
These important stabilizing ligaments of the knee give medial and lateral support respectively to prevent opening of the joint on either side..
What are the MCL and LCL.
Name the one place in which the shoulder girdle articulates with (attaches to) the axial skeleton.
What is the sternoclavicular joint.
These anterior compartment leg muscles are the main extensors of the knee joint - name all of them.
What are the Quadriceps, TFL and Glut Max.
If the lungs don't breath, then how does breath happen?
What is atmospheric pressure pushes the air into your body after you exhale.
Name the main intermediate back muscle (the layer on top of the deepest layer) - it is made up of 3 muscles and their main action is extension of the spine.
Erector Spinae - Iliocostalis, Longissimus, Spinalis
The name of two joints found in the knee.
What are the Tibofemoral and the Patellofemoral Joints.
What bones are we talking about when we discuss the shoulder girdle.
What are the scapulae, clavicles and sternum
These three posterior compartment leg muscles are the main flexors of the knee joint.
What are the Hamstrings.
What are the two main sections of the torso (how are they divided) and what are the analogies we used in class to understand how they function in terms of shape and volume with breathing.
What are the Thoracic and Abdominal Cavities - one is like an accordian, the other more like a water balloon.
This is the most superficial back muscle, it has a lower, middle and upper portion and is a triangle shape.
What is the Trapezius.
These are all the ranges of motion that the knee makes - there are five.
What are Flexion/Extension, Lateral/Medial rotation, and hyperextension.
These four deep muscles of the shoulder joint stabilize the shallow joint and prevent dislocation on three sides.
What is the Rotator Cuff - Supraspinatus, Infraspinatus, Teres Minor, Subscapularis.
This muscle is the main medial rotator of the knee joint.
What is Sartorius
Name the primary breathing muscle and describe it.
What is the Diaphragm, it's a dome shaped tendinous sheath, looks like a jelly fish or an upside down umbrella.
Tightness of these muscles can cause headaches and you can feel them moving when you move your eyeballs around.
What are the Suboccipitals.
The ROM that renders the knee most vulnerable to injury is this, say why.
What is Flexion b/c it allows for rotation and potential blows or twisting from the side.
Describe the Shoulder Joint - what bones are we talking about and describe its structural characteristics.
What is the place where the humerus attaches to the glenoid fossa of the Scapulae - this is a very shallow joint b/c the head of the humerus is larger than the cavity in which it sits, i.e. it's not a "snug fit" like the hip joint. It needs other structures to stabilize it - like the glenoid labrum, ligaments and the rotator cuff.
These important stabilizing ligaments of the knee cross the joint to minimize internal slippage.
What are the ACL and PCL
Describe what happens to the Diaphragm when you inhale and exhale.
What is when you inhale the Diaphragm contracts and moves down, and when you exhale it releases back up into its resting position.
What is the largest and most important anterior neck muscle that also acts on the spine, it can be seen visibly when the neck is turned to the right or left.
What is the SCM - Sternocleidomastoid.
This sesamoid bone is not a weight bearing bone.
What is the Patella.
This fibrocartilagenous ring functions like a washer to seal the shoulder joint, like the labrum in the hip and the menisci of the knees, they allow for better distribution of synovial fluid, increasing the surface area where the bone sits in the joint.
What is the Glenoid Labrum
These fibrocartilaginous discs of the knee help increase distribution of the synovial fluid to provide better stability to the knee and decrease friction. For those people who have them removed, greater degenerative changes happen.
What are the two menisci of the knee.
What is a way we described breathing and what are some ways you can connect to breath and breath more deeply.
Breathing is the shape change of the bodies cavities. To connect to breath, making sounds like "HA" or "AH" or "MMM" are all ways to deepen breath and let the nervous system know you are "relaxing". It is also important for relaxation purposes, not to try and change or alter breath - but just observe it.