One way to encourage student discussion in small groups
What are Breakout rooms?
Only the instructor can create and facilitate this during a Zoom meeting
What are Polls?
The website used to create interactive Jeopardy games to engage students in course content
What is
Raise my hand, thumbs up/down, heart, clap, etc.
What are some reactions available using the emoji icons?
The maximum number of questions that can be created per poll
What is 10?
The cost of using Jeopardy Labs
What is free?
A place where students can write their responses/ideas/thoughts/reactions rather than state them verbally
What is the Zoom chat feature?
When you need to create the poll questions to be used during your Zoom class meeting
What is before or during the Zoom meeting?
A way to show videos or articles in Zoom
What is Share Screen?
The founder of Zoom
Who is Eric Yuan?