Reaction that creates Elephant Toothpaste.
What is chemical?
Level of fun in making slime.
What is ____?
Super fun
Amazingly fun
Science of living things.
What is Biology?
Chemistry is:
A) A type of natural science
B) A type of physics
C) A type of shampoo
What is A?
The area of natural science that physics studies.
What is matter?
Elephant Toothpaste contains real toothpaste.
(True or False)
What is False?
Type of slime we are making.
What is Polymer slime?
What is glue and Borax slime?
Method for discovering things in science.
What is reasearch?
Language the name "Chemistry" was derived from.
What is Latin?
You can make a ball float without touching it.
(True or False)
What is true?
Elephant Toothpaste creates ___.
A) A large bubble
B) A liquid
C) A foam
D) An elephant's toothpaste
What is C?
What ingredient other than glue and water is in our slime recipe?
What is water?
Types of natural science. (4)
What are Biology, Physics, Chemistry, and Earth Sciences?
Example of chemical that is toxic.
What is Mercury?
What is Cyanide?
Air is fluid like water. (True or false)
What is true?
Elephant Toothpaste contains _____.
A) Hot water
B) Yeast
C) Dish soap
D) All of the above
What is D)?
Type of reaction that creates slime.
What is chemical reaction?
Microscopic substance that every living thing is made of.
What is a cell?
Opposite of an acid.
What is a base?
The % of the universe you can see and feel.
What is 5%?
Elephant Toothpaste is an exothermic reaction.
(True or False)
What is True?
(Solid, liquid, gas, etc)
What is non-Newtonian?
Scientist that created the term "Radioactivity".
Who is Marie Curie?
Process in which gas turns to solid.
What is sublimation?
Definition of optics.
(HINT: What does the term optical illusion mean?)
What is the study of light and how it behaves?