Characteristics of Experimental Research
Control of Extraneous Variables
Characteristics of Non-Experimental Research
Experimental or Non-Experimental
A group of subjects that receives no treatment
What is control group
To eliminate the possible effects of a variable by removing it from the study. For example, if a researcher suspects that age might influence the outcome of a study, they could control it by restricting the subjects in the study to be within a specific age range.
What is holding certain variables constant
Typical, critical, homogeneous, extreme case, theoretical, opportunistic, confirming, maximal, and snowball sampling are all examples of...
What is sampling in qualitative research
A researcher is interested in the perception of nursing students towards the nursing profession from the beginning of the nursing program until the end.
What is non-experimental design (longitudinal study)
Research that involves the extensive collection of data on one subject at a time
What is single-subject research
A group of subjects that receives a different treatment than the control group
What is comparison group
This solution involves building the variable(s) into the study to access their effects. Researcher would include all subjects in the design of the study and then analyze the effects of a variable (ex. age/gender/etc.) on the outcome
What is building the variable into the design
Statements or claims of some sort that applies to more than one individual, group, object, or situation
What is generalization
A researcher examines the effects of four different fertilizers by dividing a corn field into four sections, each part is 'treated' with a different fertilizer to see which produces the most corn.
What is experimental (treatment)
Designs that do not include the use of random assignment of subjects to groups
What is quasi-experiemental design
What a researcher does to deliberately and directly determine what forms the independent variable will take and then which group will get which form
What is manipulation of the independent variable
Researcher pairs subjects on certain variables of interest. For example if a researcher felt that age may affect the outcome of a study, they may endeavor to match students according to their ages and then assign one member of each pair (randomly if possible) to each of the comparison groups
What is matching
The technique that qualitative researchers most often use to analyze their data is called?
What is coding
A researcher is interested in assessing the awareness on swine flu among people of a specific area
What is non-experiemental (cross-sectional design)
What are the four roles that an observer can play in qualitative research?
What is complete participant, participant-as-observer, observer-as-participant, and complete observer
Every individual who is participating in an experiment has an equal chance of being assigned to any of the experimental or control conditions being compared is called?
What is random assignment
When subjects are used as their own controls, their performance under both (or all) treatments is compared. Example: The assessment of an individual's behavior during a period of time before and after a treatment is implemented to see whether changes in behavior occur.
What is using subjects as their own controls
Qualitative data are collected mainly from ______ or _____ and seldom involve numbers. Coding is the primary technique used in data analysis.
What is words or pictures.
If a researcher first approaches head injury patients, and then tried to identify the number of head injuries that occurred under the influence of substance abuse
What is non-experimental (retrospective research design)
The repetition of an experiment on a large group of subjects
What is replication
Every member of a population has an equal chance of being selected to be a member of the sample is called?
What is random selection
This type of analysis can be used to equate groups statistically on the basis of a pretest or other variables. The posttest scores of the subjects in each group are then adjusted accordingly
What is using analysis of covariance
List three of the six basic types of questions that can be asked of people during an interview.
What is background (or demographic) questions, knowledge questions, experience (or behavior) questions, opinion (or values) questions, feelings questions, and sensory questions.
A researcher studies the effectiveness of four different skin creams for the treatment of a certain skin disease. There are 80 subjects and divides them into 4 treatment groups of 20 subjects each. Using a randomized block design, the subjects are assessed and put in blocks of four according to how severe their skin condition is; the four most severe cases are the first block, the next four most severe cases are the second block, and so on to the twentieth block. The four members of each block are then randomly assigned, one to each of the four treatment groups.
What is experimental (randomized block design)
Notes, personal statements, logs are all examples of
What is fieldwork