Influential factors
You want to study the effects of regular exercise on a persons heart rate you measure the heart rate of a person at rest and again after jogging in place for 5 min. The control group is students who are not on a school athletic team. The experimental group is students who are on a school athletic team. Observational or Experimental.
you want to study the effects that music has on the ability to recall knowledge. Each individual in your study is given material to read on the same unfamiliar topic and then asked to fake a factual quiz in a room that has classical music playing Observational or Experimental
What is Experimental Study
his is accomplished by making all conditions, besides the independent variable as similar as possible for all treatment groups
What is Control
All participants in a study are not told their treatment.
What is single blinding
The specific values that the experimenter chooses for a factor
What are levels
Study that draws inferences about the possible effect of a treatment on subjects, where the assignment of subjects into a treated group versus a control group is outside the control of the investigator.
What is Observational Study
What are the four principles of Experimental study
control,randomize, block, and replicate.
Group where nothing changes. The normal exposure or no exposure to the independent variable is given to the samples in this group. This is the baseline measurement
What is Control Group
When researchers and subjects are unaware of the treatments that subjects are receiving.
What is double-blinding
The combination of specific levels from all factors that an experimental unit receives
What are Factors
Researchers first identify subjects, observed, then collected data. It is based on historical data and is prone to error
What is retrospective study
is done by grouping similar individuals together and then randomizing within these groups.
What is Blocking
Independent variable. An explanatory variable and is not affected by the experiment
What is a Factor
a "fake" treatment that looks just like the treatments being tested.
What is placebo
A study in one attempts to find evidence of a cause-and-effect relationship between two variables.
What is an experiment
Researchers identify subjects and collect data as events unfold
What is Prospective Study
each treatment to more than one subject or redo an entire experiment with the controlled sources of variation at different levels.
What is variation
A variable that is manipulated by the factor and measured. Dependent variable.
What is a Response
Occurrence of results are most likely not by chance and the difference is big enough as to not be influenced by randomness alone.
What is statistical significance
The way in which subjects are placed into a group. Ideally, this should be done with as least bias and with as much randomness as possible in order to obtain accurate and reliable results
What is random assignment
A study is often conducted with these two groups.
Experimental group and Control group
Equalizes the effect of unknown or uncontrollable sources of variation
What is Randomization
A variable that may be the cause in variation of a response rather than the intended variable which is the independent variable
What is a confounding variable
occurs when subjects respond positively to a “treatment” even though it is only a placebo simply because they think they are getting the real treatment
What is the placebo effect
The name of which an experiment is being performed on
What is experimental unit