Part 2 (w/o Math)
Part 1 (w/o Math)

The independent variable goes on the _-axis, and the dependent variable goes on the _-axis.

What is x and y?


What is the only piece of safety equipment you must bring with you to the test?

What is goggles?


When writing your conclusion's claim statement, the hypothesis can either be ____ or _____.

What is rejected or not rejected?


True or False: Gravity is a constant.

Double Points:

If true, what is the correct value for this constant?

If false, what is the correct constant to replace gravity?

What is false?

What is Earth's gravitational acceleration?


Is Part 1 or Part 2 worth more points?

What is Part 2?


Scenario: Your x-values range from 98 to 100. It would be unwise to start your x-axis at 0 and scale it to 100.

What should you do instead?

What is draw marking on graph (either heartbeat or two lines) and scale from 98 to 100?


What is the time breakdown (Parts 1 and 2) of the ED test?

What is 20 minutes for Part 1 and 30 minutes for Part 2?


How many possible experimental errors (with affect on results) need to be included in Section M?

What is 2?


In Section B, after you write your hypothesis, you should include a _______.

What is rationale?


How many times has Walton Science Olympiad been to Nationals?

What is 1?

Bonus click if you said 2nd time is in the making.


What are the 3 measures of center and 4 measures of variation that must be included in Part J of the test? 

What is mean, median, mode, min, max, range, and standard deviation?


At least how many of the provided materials do you have to use? (or else your score gets x0.95 penalty)

What is 2?


What is the difference between Claim, Evidence, and Reasoning?

What is

Claim is a statement taking a stance.

Evidence backs up the claim using your data and mathematics.

Reasoning backs up the claim using science.


In the qualitative observations section, you need observations for 5 of the following:

Procedure Before                            Results Before

Procedure During                            Results During

Procedure After                               Results After

Which of the above do you NOT need?

What is results before?


Where is Science Olympiad Nationals this season?

What is University of Nebraska - Lincoln?


For handheld measuring tools, what sig-figs should you use?

For electronic measuring tools, what sig-figs do you use?

Handheld: What is round to one more digit than the most precise marking on the tool?

Electronic: What is round to the same digit as the tool?


FAKING DATA (❌❌❌) results in what penalty?

What is 0.25x multiplier?



What three things must you include in Section O (Applications and Recommendations for Future Use)?

What is practical applications, suggestions for improvement of experiment (you), and suggestions for future experiments (event supervisor)?


What are the three types of variables you need to include in section C?

What is independent, dependent, and controlled?


Which section of the Experimental Design test is worth the most points?

For bonus click: How many points is it worth?

What is Variables?

What is 20 points?


In Part J of the test, you must include sample calculations for all Statistics (ie. mean, range, SD).

What is a simplified equation for SD that is quick and easy to write?

Bonus points: What is the actual equation for SD that is shown in textbooks and google?

What is SD = sqrt(variance)?

What is



What is the tiebreak order in Experimental Design?

1 CLICK: If you can name 3 sections of the test in the correct order as they are used for tiebreaks.

2 CLICKS: If you can name all 5 sections of the test in the correct order as they are used for tiebreaks.

What is

i. Analysis of Claim/Evidence/Reasoning

ii. Procedure and Set-Up Diagrams

iii. Variables

iv. Data Table

v. Graph


What are the 4 major components of the abstract?

Hint: They are all names of other sections in the test.

What is Statement of Problem, Hypothesis, Procedure, and Conclusion?


What is the minimum number of experimental trials need to be done in total during Part 1?

What is 9?

How many points is the Experimental Design test worth?

What is 167?