Experimental Design

What do we call the variable that is changed?

independent variable

What is quantitative data?
Data that can be amount or QUANTITIY.

What is the proper format for a hypothesis?

If IV is related to DV then [cause-effect relationship] because [reasoning].


What is the dependent variable for the graph shown below?

Number of electric cars


What do you do if your hypothesis is wrong?

Ask another question and investigate again.


What do we call the variable that responds to change?

dependent variable

What is qualitative data?
Data that describes the characteristic (or QUALITY) of something.

Why is it important for a hypothesis to be testable?

So that you can design an experiment to test it.


The following chart shows a setup for a plant investigation. Which variable is being tested?

Light Voltage (W) | Soil Amount (mL) | pH
150 | 500 | 5
150 | 500 | 6
150 | 500 | 7
150 | 500 | 8

pH levels


What is the difference between an inference and an observation?

You use your five senses to make observations. Inferences are based on observations and uses logic and knowledge to form conclusions.


What are the two types of test groups in an experiment called?

control group and experimental group


The plant bloomed purple and blue flowers. What kind of data is this?

Qualitative data


What is the independent variable in the following hypothesis?

If a bird has more tail feathers, it is more likely to attract a mate.

The number of tail feathers 


A scientist notices that a local population of frogs has started to develop deformities. He designs an experiment to identify the source of the deformities, using unhatched frog eggs and a variety of environmental stimuli. Which of the following would be the dependent variable in this experiment?

The number of frogs with deformities


What is the first step of the scientific method?

Identifying a question/problem statement


Identify the independent and dependent variables that would test the following scenario: Jasmine noticed that when she puts olive oil on her hands she does not get dry skin in the winter.

IV = olive oil

DV = dryness of skin


You're analyzing data about your experiment studying snack preference for German Shepherds. What kind of graph would you use to show this data?

Pie chart or bar graph


Form a hypothesis for the following: 

Masks protect against COVID-19.

If masks are related to COVID-19, then masks will decrease the chance of getting COVID-19 because masks can block COVID-19 from entering our body.


Sashe performed an experiment on four equal-sized tomato plants. She placed each tomato plant in a separate container. Sashe gave each plant the same amount of light and nutrients, different amounts of water, and frequently measured the amount of oxygen produced by each tomato plant. What would be a valid hypothesis for Sashe's experiment?

If the amount of water is increased, the rate of photosynthesis will increase.


You run an experiment that tests how blue light affects plant growth. What would be the control group for this experiment?

Putting plants in darkness


Name three constants for the following experimental setup:
Kevin is trying to determine which McDonalds sauce will leave the most permanent stain after putting the clothes through the washer. He hypothesizes that barbecue will leave the most permanent stain since it is the darkest sauce McDonalds provides.

Kind of shirt being used, number of washes, amount of sauce applied, how the sauce is applied/spilled, brand of sauce, type of detergent used for wash, location of spill, etc.


Write a hypothesis for the following data:

Color of Light | Plant Height (in cm)
Red | 2.1
Green | 1.4
Blue | 1.8
White | 1.8

If light color is related to plant growth, then red light will increase the growth the most since plants can best absorb red wavelengths of light.


Form a hypothesis for the following:

It is easier to become a viral content creator on TikTok.

If TikTok is the easiest way to make a viral video, then the video I post on TikTok will generate the most views compared to other social media platforms.


As part of an experiment to measure decomposition rates of different materials, students put food scraps from the cafeteria in compost bin A and leaves and grass clippings in compost bin B for six weeks. Students in first period measured the temperature in bin A, and students in sixth period measured the temperature in bin B. What's wrong with their experimental setup?

There are too many independent variables in their setup.


What is the difference between the control group and the constant variable?

Control group is a test group kept in normal conditions/not given the test treatment so it can be compared to the experimental group. The constant variable(s) stay the same during the experiment to ensure reliable results.