
What is an independent variable?

The variable that is CHANGED

Ask yourself...What can I CHANGE in this experiment?


What is quantitative data?

Data that can be amount or QUANTITY.


What is the proper format for a hypothesis?

If (I.V.)... 

then (D.V)... 

because (based on prior knowledge/basis)...


What does a line graph show?

A relationship between two actions/variables (X-axis vs Y-axis).


What is the State Fossil of Colorado? 

A. T-Rex

B. Stegosaurus

C. Velociraptor

D. Brachiosaurus  

B. Stegosaurus stenops (roof lizard or plated lizard)

Time Period: 156-146 Million Years Ago (MYA) Late Jurassic 

Length: 26 - 30 feet Height: 9 feet tall at the hips 

Weight: 6,800 pounds 

Diet: Herbivore 

Places Found: throughout the western United States 

Discoverer: M. P. Felch, found in Colorado in 1885


What is a dependent variable?

The variable that is measured.


What is qualitative data?

Data that describes the characteristic/QUALITY of something.


What is the definition of a Theory?

What is the definition of a Hypothesis?

A theory is a well supported broad range idea and a hypothesis is testable for a specific scenario.


When is a bar graph used?

To show a comparison among different categories (ie movie categories, types of cereal, etc.)


What is the State Gem of Colorado?

A) Aquamarine

B) Diamond

C) Ruby

D) Emerald

A) Aquamarine

Aquamarine is a blue-colored variety of the mineral beryl. It was first discovered in 1881 on Mount Antero, in the Rockies of central Colorado. The state continues to be a major producer of gem-quality aquamarine. 


What are control variables?

Variables that are held CONSTANT throughout an experiment.

CONTROLLED by the scientist(s) so as NOT to disrupt the results of the experiment.


Which is not an example of Qualitative Data?

A) Color

B) Smell

C) Sound

D) Volume

D) Volume


What is a null hypothesis?

a statement that shows no relationship between the independent and dependent variables


What 5 THINGS must be present on all graphs?

1. title

2. units

3. labels

4. equal scale for each axis

5. key (legend)


What is the Highest Elevation in colorado?

A) 14,550 ft (4435 m)

B) 14,129 ft (4307 m)

C) 14,308 ft (4361m)

D) 14,440 ft (4401 m)

D) 14,440 ft (4401 m)

Mount Elbert, rising 4401 meters (14,440 feet) above sea level, is Colorado’s highest point as well as the highest summit in the North American Rockies. The mountain, located 19 kilometers (12 miles) southwest of Leadville, is also the second-highest summit in the continental United States.


What are the two test groups in a controlled experiment called?

Control group and Experimental group


Which variable goes on the X-axis? Y-axis?

The I.V. is the x-axis and the D.V. is the y-axis


Form a hypothesis for the following statement: 

Mrs. Mullan drinks coffee in the morning.

IF Mrs. Mullan has two children and is the assistant principal of Smoky Hill, 

THEN she is probably tired in the morning and drinks 

BECAUSE if gives her a caffeine boost. 


A Recycling Company collects 50,000 tons of recyclable material every month. The pie chart shows the kinds of materials that are collected by the company’s five trucks. 

What is the second most common material that is recycled?

Glass 25%


What is the State Rock of Colorado?

A) Acasta Gneiss

B) Arkosic Sandstone

C) Yule Marble

D) Venetian Gold Granite

C) Yule Marble

Yule Marble is found in the Yule Creek Valley in the West Elk Mountains of Colorado. This white, crystalline marble is composed of 99.5% calcite. It has been used in the construction of a number of prominent buildings and monuments.


Read the scenario and identify the variables:

Mr. Bala noticed that when he brushes his teeth, he develops fewer cavities!

IV = ? 

DV = ?

Control(s) = ?

IV = Brushing Teeth

DV = Cavities

Control(s) = Amount of Toothpaste, Toothbrush, Time Brushing, Amount of Water, Water Temperature, etc.


Write a hypothesis for the following data:

                     Height (cm)

Red light            2

Green light        1.4

Blue light          1.8

White light        1.8

If light color is related to plant growth, then red light will increase the growth the most since plants can best absorb red wavelengths of light.


What does it mean when the Level of Significance is 5%?

A) There's a 5% chance we're wrong 

B) There's a 5% chance we'll be wrong if we fail to reject the null hypothesis

C) There's a 5% chance we'll be wrong if we reject the null hypothesis.

D) There's a 5% chance you'll get an A on the test.

C) There's a 5% chance we'll be wrong if we reject the null hypothesis.


To show continuous data such as the amount of rainfall over a period of time, we should use what type of graph?

A) Line

B) Bar

C) Pie

A) Line


What is the State Mineral of Colorado?

A) Sunset Fire Opal

B) Rhodochrosite

C) Bismuth

D) Fluorite

B) Rhodochrosite

Rhodochrosite is a deep red to rose pink carbonate mineral found in association with Colorado’s gold, silver, lead, zinc, and molybdenum ores. The world’s largest rhodochrosite crystal is on display at the Denver Museum of Nature and Science. Because rhodochrosite is so specifically associated with Colorado, it was chosen as the state mineral over other common minerals such as gold and silver.