Attachment: Someone to Watch Over You
Love: The Right Chemistry
Can You Make Yourself Smarter
Shyness: Evolutionary Tactic?
Appropriate Explanatory Strategies
"From this research, Ainsworth identified three basic types of attachment that children form with their caregiver: secure, anxious (or anxious-resistant), and avoidant (Lyu par. 4)
What is classification
"Each person carried in his or her mind a unique subliminal guide to the ideal partner, a 'love map'..."
What is definition
"The genetic component of intelligence...functions less like the genes that control eye color and more like the complex of interacting genes that affect weight and height"
What is compare/contrast
"Shyness and introversion are not the same thing. Shy people fear negative judgment; introverts simply prefer quiet, minimally stimulating environments."
What is compare/contrast
This type of explanatory strategy provides a defining characteristic and a term to be described
What is definition
"...'attachment behaviors' such as crying, smiling, and cooing" (Lyu par. 2)
What is example
"If love looks suspiciously like stress, the reason is simple: the chemical pathways are identical"
What is compare/contrast
"How then could watching black cats...increase...fluid intelligence? Because the deceptively simple game...targets 'working' memory"
What is cause-effect
"We find them in recent history, in figures like Charles Darwin, Marcel Proust and Albert Einstein, and in contemporary times: think of Google's Larry Page, or Harry Potter's creator, J.K. Rowling"
What is example
This explanatory strategy identifies types or categories of a thing
What is classification
"For Dobbins, in the absence of his girlfriend, her stockings serve as a substitute attachment object, Dobbins's security blanket..." (Lyu par. 12).
What is example
"...'attraction junkies'...crave the intoxication of falling in love so much that they move frantically from affair to affair just as soon as the first rush of infatuation fades"
What is definition
"...crystallized intelligence, the treasure trove of stored up information and how-to knowledge (the sort of thing tested on 'Jeopardy!' or put to use when you ride a bicycle)..."
What is definition
"The current version of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual...says that diagnosis is warranted when anxiety 'interferes significantly' with work performance or if the sufferer shows 'marked distress' about it"
What is definition
This explanatory strategy shows similarities and differences
What is compare and contrast
"In his 'Overview,' Fraley describes the way the attachment system works and also illustrated it with the flowchart shown in fig. 1..."
What is illustration with visual
"Researchers see a contrast between the heated infatuation induced by PEA, along with other amphetamine-like chemicals, and the more intimate attachment fostered and prolonged by endorphins."
What is compare and contrast
"Psychologists have long regarded intelligence as coming in two flavors:crystallized intelligence...and fluid intelligence"
What is classification
" the animal kingdom...15 percent to 20 percent of many species are watchful, slow-to-warm-up types who stick to the sidelines (sometimes called 'sitters')..."
What is definition
This explanatory strategy provides a representative sample
What is example
"Avoidant children ignore the caregiver when he or she returns. They seem emotionally distant and may even move away from him or her to play."
What is definition
"Still, that does not explain why the way Mary walks and laughs makes Bill dizzy with desire while Marcia's gait and giggle leave him cold"
What is example
"Crystallized intelligence grows as you age; fluid intelligence has long been known to peak in early adulthood..."
What is compare/contrast
"Sitters and rovers favor different survival strategies, which could be summed up as the sitter's 'Look before you leap' versus the rover's inclination to 'Just do it!'"
What is compare/contrast
This explanatory strategy provides information about what will happen if a particular event occurs first
What is cause and effect