
What is subtext?

The implicit or underlying meaning or theme of written or spoken text.


What do you see?

Children in a swimming pool and a woman at the bottom with no water trying to get a droplet. 


What are the three methods of persuasion? 

Ethos, Logos, and Pathos


What is the subtext of this picture?

The people at the top of society hoard all the resources leaving the rest with little to nothing. Similar to the disparity of wealth we see today in America


What three ways can you identify subtext?

Surface level

Beneath the surface

Inferences made


What do you see? What is the subtext?


Smiling tree holding an apple behind its back looking at a man. The man is smiling and staring back holding an axe. 

Nature is trying to give to us while all we do is destroy them for personal needs. An example of this today is deforestation and pollution.


If you ask your mom if you could go to friend's party and your mom says no but you ask she says "because i said so." what is the subtext(whats implied)  of this statement? 

She doesn't have a reason and she doesn't want you to go. 


What is the subtext? What inferences can be made?

Chasing money can be the downfall of people.

We shouldn't be closed minded focusing on one thing. We should observe what is risky and see when our struggling is pointless.


Define the three methods of explanatory writing.

Ethos: Persuading someone based on one's character (credible character or ethical appeal)

Logos: Persuading someone by using facts and reasoning

Pathos: Persuading someone using emotions


What do you see? What is the subtext? What inferences can be made?

We see 3 people wearing orange jumpsuits similar to what prisoners would wear. These men also have locks as heads. We see two of the locks closed and one of them free. The 2 with the locks closed are sitting back with angered expressions. The other lock is sitting there with a book reading and has his lock opened.

Knowledge can help us break free from our closed minds.

We should read more to free ourselves from the shackles we create in our minds.