Ship Names
Early Lives
Accidental Discoveries
Explorer Trivia
This explorer was considered the first to discover the Americas

Christopher Columbus 


This historic ship delivered the Pilgrims from England to the Americas 

What is the Mayflower


This was the birth city of Christopher Columbus in 1451

What is Genoa Italy 


Christoper Columbus was looking for a trade route to India when he found this 

The Americas 


Italian explorer, Giovanni Da Verrazano, was the first explorer to be sponsored by the King of which country?

What is "France"? (King Francis sponsored Verrazano, excited about getting into the spice trade but nervous about angering Spain and Portugal.


these English Puritans traveled to The Americas looking for a New home for their religion 

who are the pilgrims


This ship carried Columbus himself across the great ocean to discover the Americas 

What is the Santa Maria


As a young boy, this explorer  learned to sail as a cabin boy on a Muscovy Company trading ship

Who is Henry Hudson


Bartholomew Dias was looking for a passage to India around the African coastline when he found this now famous landmark

What is the Cape of Good Hope


Jacques Cartier and his sailors were the first known Europeans to see this great animal, which they described as "large, clumsy oxen with two tusks like those of an elephant".

What is a walrus?


This explorers was the first English explorer to travel north looking for a short path to Asia

Henry Hudson


This ship delivered John Cabot to Canada in 1497

What is the Mathew 


This sailor moved to Venice with his father at age 10 and became a citizen at age 26

Who is John Cabot 


Henry Hudson was looking for a shorter route to Asia from Europe through the Arctic ocean when he found this site in Spitzbergen 

What is Whales Bay


This brave and adventurous explorer used to hunt ferocious wolves and wild boars before becoming an explorer.

Who was Ferdinand Magellan?


This English explorer was issued by Henry VII to claim Canada for England in 1497 

who is John Cabbot


This ship was the first to circumnavigate the world under  Ferdinand Magellan

What is the Victoria 


This explorer grew up hunting wolves and boars in the wild hills, but was soon accepted as a page of king John II of Portugal

Who is Ferdinand Magellan 


John Cabot was paid by British merchants to find a shorter route to China but ended up discovering this large island off the coast of Canada 

What is Newfoundland


This Portuguese explorer once hosted the Sultan of Mozambique on his ship, but the Sultan was not impressed with the goods they had for sale.

Who was Vasco Da Gama?


This Spanish explorer set out from the east indies and discovered a shortcut to the spice islands in 1519

Who is Ferdinand Magellan 


This was Henry Hudson's ship on his first journey to find a path to Asia

What is the Hopewell


This explorer was a knight of Portugal and was well educated in horsemanship and weaponry 

Who is Bartholomew Dias


Ferdinand Magellan was looking for a passage through America when he found this previously unknown "peaceful" ocean

What is the Pacific Ocean


This Italian explorer's name was changed by the English merchants who sponsored his voyage.

Who was Giovanni Coboto (or John Cabot)?