Christopher Columbus
Language of the Disipline
Francisco Vasquez de Coronado
Technological Developments
Monarchs of the Exploration
The year Christopher Columbus set sail and discovered America.
What is 1492?
The science of planning and following a route.
What is navigation?
It is thought, a Spanish explorer is the first European to see the Grand Canyon and the Colorado River.
Who is Francisco Vasquez de Coronado?
A device that calculates the position of the sun, moon, and stars.
What is an astrolabe?
In 1513, funded the exploration of Ponce de Leon when he set out on a expedition to find an island he heard about called Bimini.
Who is King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella?
The three ships that sailed with Christopher Columbus to find new land and riches in 1492.
What are the Nina, Pinta, and the Santa Maria?
A trip taken with the goal of exploring.
What is an expedition?
The year Francisco Vasquez de Coronado set off to find mysterious cities with 300 Spaniards, several Africans, and more than 1,000 Amercan Indians.
What is 1540?
A device many times shaped in a circle that tells the North, South, East, and West.
What is a compass?
He paid an Italian sailor named Giovanni Caboto, who the English called John Cabot, to lead an expedition that reached present-day Newfoundland.
Who is King Henry VII of England?
On October 12, 1492, Christopher Columbus found an island named San Salvador and met a tridbe of Indians.
Who are the Tainos?
A collection of lands ruled by the nation that conquered them.
What is an empire?
The name for some of the lands claimed for Spain by Francisco Vasquez de Coronado include Mexico, the southwestern United States, and Florida.
What is New Spain?
It is something that kept very accurate time and was used to measure the positions of certain stars based on the time.
What is a chronometer?
The expedition of Vasco Nunez de Balboa which resulted in the crossing of the Isthmus of Panama to the Pacific Ocean in 1513.
Who is King Ferninand and Queen Isabella?
Christopher Columbus planned to go to a place in the East and bring back riches to Spain.
What is Asia?
A large sum of money offered by a monarch to people who would lead expeditions.
What is a grant?
Francisco Vasquez de Coronado was one of the 5 explorers from Spain.
What are the conquistadors of North America?
It was used to determine the altitude, or the height above the horizon, of the sun or stars.
What is a sextant?
Not everyone belived that Christopher Columbus and Giovanni Caboto found Asia, so Amerigo Vespucci set off in 1499 to Asia but found what is now South America and he knew that because it did not fit Marco Polo's description.
Who is King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella?
Christopher Columbus finally was able to convince these rulers to fund his trip in 1492 to find a more direct route to Asia.
Who are King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella?
The Spanish explorers and soldiers of expeditions
What is a conquistador?
Francisco Vasquez de Coronado led an expedition to find an unfound place with gold.
What is The Seven Cities of Gold?
A tool where a navigator holds one end of the staff, where both the sun and horizon may be measured without looking directly at the sun.
What is a backstaff?
In 1519, Hernando Cortes went on an expedition sent by this monarch to find gold in the land of the Aztecs.
Who is King Charles V?