Ponce deLeon
Two Conquistadors
French come to Florida
Spain Claims Florida
This is the year the Christopher Columbus discovered America.
What is 1492?
This is the year that Ponce deLeon landed in Florida.
What is 1513.
He sailed to the west coast of Florda near Tampa Bay in 1528 to start settlements.
Who is Panfilo de Narvaez?
This is a settlement ruled by a distant country.
What is a colony?
This is the reason why Spain was upset that France had a colony in Florida.
What is they wanted to be the only ones with colonies in that part of North America?
This is the country the Christopher Columbus sailed from.
What is Spain?
This is where Ponce deLeon landed on the east coast of Florida.
What is St. Augustine?
This group was captured by Narvaez to serve as guides on his expeditions.
Who are Florida Indians?
This person makes useful things such as pottery, tools, and clothing.
What is an artisan?
Pedro Menendez de Aviles was blocked from sailing up the St. Johns River so he sailed to a smaller harbor where he set up camp. This village became known as
What is St. Augustine?
The land the Columbus thought that he had found.
What is Asia?
The three things that Ponce deLeon was looking for when he came to America.
What is new land, resources, and the Fountain of Youth?
In 1539 this explorer led an expedition to Florida and was supposed to begin a settlement in Tampa Bay until he heard that there were riches to the north.
Who is Hernando de Soto?
Jean Ribault was sent from France with this religious group to start a new colony in Florida.
Who are the Huguenots?
The French decided to attack the Spanish as they built a fort in St. Augustine. However, the French never made it there because of this event.
What is a bad storm?
The direction that Columbus sailed when he left Spain.
What is going west?
This is the Spanish word for conqueror.
What is a conquistador?
These are two of the tribes that De Soto enslaved, killed or kidnapped on his journey north.
Who are the Timucua and Apalachee Indian tribes?
Rene Laudoniere from France brought along soldiers, women, children and aritsans to begin a new colony called Fort Caroline, near near this river.
What is the St. Johns River?
Menendez built forts along the Atlantic coast to protect Spanish treasure ships from this.
What is pirates?
The number of ships Columbus left Spain with.
What is three?
This Indidan tribe attacked deLeon's settlement on the western coast of Florida and wounded him.
What is the Calusa tribe?
This is a journey made for a special reason such as exploration.
What is an expedition?
Since Laudonniere and his people were unable to plant crops, this group of friendly Indians shared their food until they ran out.
What is the Timucua tribe?
The King of Spain wanted priests to meet with different Indian groups in hopes of doing this.
What is converting to the Catholic religion?