I Sea What You Did There
"G"wilikers Batman
We Were Here First
What Do You Ming?
Quid Pro Quo

Though he was from the Italian city-state of Genoa, This explorer claimed the island of Hispaniola for Spain and decimated the native Taino population. 

Who is Cristopher Columbus?


Commonly known as the "3 G's", these things were the motivating themes for European exploration.

What are "God, Glory, and Gold"?


Though not the only civilization to practice human sacrifice, this civilization is famous for sacrificing 84,000 people during a celebration.

Who are the Aztecs?


Beginning in 1368, The Ming dynasty is considered to be this kind of era?

What is a Golden Age?


The trade between the old world, the new world, and Africa became known as this geometrically inspired name

What is the Triangular Trade?


This prince was a major supporter of over seas exploration and despite his nickname, he never went sailing.

Who is Prince Henry the Navigator


This economic policy equates a nation's power with how much gold they have.

What is Mercantilism?


These early American peoples, though considered to be a similar culture, were not an empire, but many independent city-states who developed a 365 day calendar and the concept of zero

Who are the Mayans?


Though they participated in trade, the Ming were very selective of which European nations they traded with, These two nations were allowed to enter the Chinese interior.

Who are the Dutch and Portuguese?


Considered to be the in-between section of the Columbian exchange, this section the transportation of over 12 million African slaves to the New World

What is the Middle Passage?


Though credited with being the first to circumnavigate the world, He only made it half after dying in the Philippines 

Who is Ferdinand Magellan?


Though they were looking for gold, the Portuguese found none in Brazil but still made a killing growing this cash crop.

What is sugar?


The Aztecs claimed their lineage from these conquerors of Mayan cities.

Who are the Toltecs?


Considered to trade expeditions, Zheng He's exploits more resembled this kind of system similar to the Aztec Empire.

What is a tributary system?


Originally not present in the old world, many new world crops became staples in the old world such as potatoes and this very popular crop used in many products in the modern day

What is Maize (corn)?


A larger version of the average fishing boat, This revolutionary ship used triangular sails to sail against the wind.

What is the Caravel?


Following the lead of Christopher Columbus, this group of Spanish explorers got their name for conquering American Native Civs

Who are the Conquistadors?


This ancient civilization is remembered for the building of large stone heads.

Who were the Olmecs?


The Ming dynasty revitalized many old Chinese traditions lost during the Yuan dynasty, such as the making of porcelain vases and reestablishing this ancient religion.

What is Confucianism? 


The demand for sugar in Europe directly links the massive transportation of these along in the Columbian Exchange

What are African slaves?


This Naval power once had the largest fleet in the world, numbering over 20,000 ships, which they used to take down Portuguese dominance in the East Indies.

Who are the Dutch?


Though an advocate for better treatment of Native peoples, De Las Casas was a missionary who recommended replacing them with this.

What is African slavery?


Famous for the custom of head-binding and the use of terrace farming, the Inca were founded by this son of the sun

Who is Pachacuti?


The Ming emporer ruled as an absolute Ruler and thived in this city inside of the capital city of Beijing

What is the Forbidden City?


Along with over working, forced conversions, and warfare, this tiny killer accounted for the majority of deaths for Native populations in the new world 

What are diseases?