The Impact of Violence on Victims
Developing Empathy and Understanding
Anger and Trust
Understanding Individuality and Separateness
Divorce, Separation and Letting go

A condition of persistent mental and emotional stress occurring as a result of injury or severe psychological shock, typically involving disturbance of sleep and constant vivid recall of the experience, with dulled responses to others and the outside world

What is PTSD?


The act of putting yourself in someone else's shoes

What is Empathy?


Ways to manage our anger

What is taking a timeout, mindfulness, calling a support, doing something outside, playing video games, watching TV? 


Often leads to resentment, anger and destruction of the relationship

What is trying to control our partners decisions? 


The legal dissolution of a marriage by a court or other competent body

What is a divorce? 


The effects of violence on victims 

What are trauma, physical injury, emotional damage, missed work, hospital bills, isolation, damaged future relationships?


Feelings of pity and sorrow for someone else's misfortune

What is Sympathy?


The act of raising a child with a partner without being in a relationship 

What is co-parenting? 


Sharing responsibilities, time, decision-making capabilities and having an even power distribution in a relationship

What is an equal partnership?


Exposing someone who has experienced a traumatic event to people, places or things that remind them of trauma 

What is re-traumatization?

Acknowledging our actions and the impact they have on others

What is accountability? 


The pattern that makes it difficult for people to trust after experiencing violence

What is the cycle of violence? 


The effects of using violence on the perpetrator (at least 4)

What are Jail, Explore, Money, Criminal Record, remorse, loss of relationship, DCF involvement 


The act of each partner in a relationship being themselves 

What is individuality? 


The umbrella term for signs in a relationship that indicate unhealthy qualities

What are red flags?


Blaming someone else for our actions 

What is Victim Blaming?  


The stages in the cycle of violence 

What are the honeymoon, tension building, violent behavior, guilt and remorse, and makeup stages?


The NFL team(s) that have the most Super Bowl wins

What are the Patriots and the Steelers? 


A person who looks to maintain authority and decision making power over the other person in a relationship

What is a controlling partner? 


Feeling or showing envy due to someone's actions or behaviors (with or without evidence) 

What is showing jealousy?


The 4 different types of abuse

What is Physical, Emotional, Financial and Sexual?


Three spokes of the Wheel of Equality

What is non-threatening behavior, respect, trust, and support, honesty and accountability, responsible parenting, shared responsibility, and economic partnership?


The firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something

What is the definition of trust? 


Three spokes of the Power and Control Wheel 

What are Financial Abuse, Threats and Coercion, Intimidation, Emotional Abuse, Isolation, Minimizing Denying and Blaming, Using Children, Using Male Privilege?


The attitude that one party should have special privileges' within a relationship without the other party having those same privileges. 

What is entitlement?