Explorer 1
Explorer 2
Explorer 3
Explorer 4
Explorer 5
Some of the reasons explorers were motivated to explore.
What is new land, power, and domination; to find cheaper and shorter trade routes (gold, silk, spices, riches); to spread religious beliefs (God, Gold, Glory).
The name of the land journey explorers took that led them to India and China.
What is the Silk Roase
Explain why some explorers may have been born in one country but sailed and claimed land for another.
What is their own country did not believe in their motivation for exploration or did not want to pay for their voyages. The sponsoring countries wanted to claim land for themselves so they were willing to pay for the explorers' voyages so they could benefit from what was discovered.
One reason why Europeans looked for new trade routes across the oceans.
What is European traders were hoping to find cheaper and shorter routes.
What effect did the desire for spices have on Europeans?
What is the exploration of the East Indies?
This lead to political and economical competition among European countries.
What is exploring and colonizing the Americas?
The impact the compass and astrolabe had on early exploration.
What is sailors were able to travel the open oceans without getting lost?
This is what explorers learned helped them share their discoveries with other explorers.
What is map making skills?
The term for map making skills.
What is cartography?
An instrument that makes far away objects look bigger.
What is telescope?
An invention that helped language and ideas to spread.
What is the printing press?
A type of ship with triangular sails which made travel faster.
What is the caravel?
These were probably the first Europeans to sail to North America.
What is the Vikings?
The reason why the continents of North America and South America were called the New World by Europeans in the 1600s.
What is these continents had been unknown to the people of Europe?
The reason Columbus sailed west when he wanted to go to the East Indies.
What is He was the first person to believe that the Earth was round?
The reason LaSalle explored the rivers of North America.
What is He was looking for the Northwest Passage?
A similar goal between Christopher Columbus, John Cabot, and Henry Hudson.
What is to find a shorter water route to Asia?
I was a Viking interested in finding more land for farming. I was from Greenland and had a famous father as an explorer.
What is Leif Eriksson?
I ended up sailing around the world in search of the Spice Islands.
What is Ferdinand Magellan?
I was a Spanish conquistador who claimed land for Spain throughout the southeastern region of the United States.
What is Hernando de Soto?
I claimed land for France and named it Louisiana. I also sailed the entire Mississippi River and ended up in the Gulf of Mexico.
What is Robert LaSalle?
I explored in search of the Northwest Passage and claimed modern day New York for the Dutch.
What is Henry Hudson?
I was the first explorer to find/claim the "New Land" even though I still believed I had landed in India.
What is Christopher Columbus?
I sailed with one small ship and 17 men. I reached the Eastern coast of Canada and thought I had found Asia. I didn't know I was in the Americas.
What is John Cabot?
This was known as the Columbian Exchange.
What is the trading of new resources such as plants and animals between the Native Americans (New World) and the Europeans (Old World)?