A Chinese invention that tracks direction using a magnet.
What is a compass?
What is a cartographer?
What island did Columbus’ ships see first?
This Italian, in service of Portugal, sets out to explore the East coast of South America and maps out the coastline of South America. America is named after him
Who is Amerigo Vespucci?
What is the Spanish word for conquerors?
An Arab invention that helped sailors sail against the wind.
What are triangular sails?
Son of the King of Portugal. Founds a navigation school
Who is Prince Henry?
The native people of the Bahamas.
Who are the Tainos?
He set out with a crew of 250men and 5boats from Seville, Spain. They were on a mission to circumnavigate the earth. He did not make it, but 18 of his men did.
Who is Ferdinand Magellan?
The Incan capital.
What is Cuzco?
A Muslim invention that helped sailors calculate how far N or S their ship was in relation to the equator.
What is an astrolabe?
Portuguese explorer who was the first to sail around the tip of Africa and all the way to Calicut, India.
Who is Vasco da Gama?
The treaty that was written by Pope Alexander VI and it was a line of demarcation between Spain and Portugal.
What is the Treaty of Tordesillas?
Who was the Spaniard who conquered the Aztecs in central Mexico, eventually killing off 96% of its Native population?
Hernando Cortez
What does Santa Fe translate to?
Holy Faith
What were Europeans looking to get from SE Asia?
What is trade for spices?
The ultimate survivor. He was marooned on an island off the coast of Chile and lived there for 4 1/2 years, eventually returning to England and telling his tale.
Who was Alexander Selkirk?
This city is becomes Portugal’s trading capital in India?
What is Goa?
A person of mixed Spanish and Native American ancestry.
What is a mestizo?
Where did Ponce de Leon land in Florida while he was searching for the Fountain of Youth?
St. Augustine
The country that England, Spain, Portugal, and France wanted to bypass to find their own route to Asia because it was cheaper to get spices.
What is Italy?
Who was sponsored by Spain’s Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand to voyage across the Atlantic and ended up in the Bahamas?
Who was Christopher Columbus?
What is the Dutch Republic known as (name the country)?
Because Pizzaro and his crew could not find gold, what did they plant?
What island did the Frenchman, Jacque Cartier discover in the St. Lawrence River? It is the only North American city built around a mountain.