Mexican Empire

Unlike other groups who settled in North America, the French's dealings with the Native Americans was mostly...

What is Peaceful?


This Spanish Explorer went to war against the Aztecs and took over their territory.

Who is Hernan Cortes?


This English Explorer has a river named after him that we can see here in New York.

Who is Henry Hudson?


This is the name of the Empire that the Spanish defeated under Hernan Cortes.

What is the Aztec Empire?


This was an item that the Natives had that the French found to be very important for trade.

What is fur?


After he lost nearly two-thirds of his army, Cortes was able to replenish his forces and gain more troops because of this tactic. 

He made friends and alliances with the Native tribes when he landed.


While Columbus' expeditions were financed by the king and queen, Henry Hudson had to rely on these people to finance his trips.

Who are investors?


This is the name of the Aztec king was captured by the Spanish and later killed. People are not sure of how he died.

Who is King Montezuma II?


In exchange for their fur, the French gave the Natives items they didn't have, such as....

Metal, Weapons, Horses


After what had happened to King Montezuma II, the Aztecs brought in a new king. Like Montezuma, Cortes also....

Had him executed.


The Dutch settled in this part of North America. You can use states to describe it as well.

What is the Northern Part (New York, New Jersey, Connecticut and Delaware)?


The Aztecs saw a two-headed man, a strange animal caught by a fisherman, a lake that appeared to be boiling and a lightning bolt that struck one of their temples. The Aztecs referred to these as....

What are Bad Omens?


It wasn't all good with the French, because of their involvement, _____ went on to greater levels as Natives had to raid other areas for these people for trade.

What is Slavery?


This is the name of the night where Cortes and his troops were able to flee Tenochtitlan.

What is "La Noche Triste" or "The Sad Night"?


This is the main reason why the Dutch wanted to travel to North America.

To become a Commercial Power and establish profitable fur trade with the Natives.


King Montezuma II did not trust Hernan Cortes, but he sent him gifts of gold and chocolate. He did this because...

He believed he was a god.


Based on the fact the French visited Canada and wanted fur, what early people did they meet and encounter.

Who are the Inuit people?


Cortes founded this well-known city in Mexico on the ruins of Tenochtitlan. Today it is known as one of the largest cities in the world.

What is Mexico City?


The Dutch and the Natives started off with a peaceful relationship, but things changed because...

The Natives did not always comply with their wishes.


Hernan Cortes conquered this Aztec city, which was known as a "Wonder City".

What is Tenochtitlan?