The Columbian Exchange
God, Glory, and Gold
Map time

Who was the Columbian Exchange named after?

Christopher Columbus


Give an example of barter between Christopher Columbus and the Natives.

Answers may vary. Example: Natives traded fruit for glass beads. 


Columbus wrote in his journals describing the metal jewelry the Natives wore. This showed Columbus what?

It showed Columbus the Natives had GOLD.


Sending your goods and services to countries all over the world.

What is an export?


Using the map provided, identify a negative effect that was traded during the Columbian Exchange.

Answers may vary. Example: Smallpox. 

Before the Columbian Exchange, which continents did NOT have livestock animals?

North and South America


Who did Christopher Columbus sail for?

Spain: King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella


What is a missionary? 

A missionary is someone who travels to spread their religion.


Bringing in goods and services from other countries.

What is an import?


Is the provided map a primary or secondary source? How do you know?

It is a secondary source because it was made after the time period being studied.


Share an example of a positive effect from the Columbian Exchange.

Answers may vary. Example: The Irish imported their iconic starch, the potato. 


What civilization did Hernan Cortez conquer?

The Aztecs


What does Glory mean in this situation?

Explorers wanted to become famous for making new discoveries. 


Why has sugar's price consistently decreased over the hundreds of years after the Columbian Exchange occurred? 

An increase in supply. 


Using the provided map, identify three things the Americas imported during the Columbian Exchange.

Answers may vary. Example: cows, honeybees, bananas.


Why is the word exchange a better description for this time period rather than discovery?

The lands of North and South America already had civilizations thriving on them. They were only discovered by Europeans not humans in general. The most significant event afterwards was the trading of materials, ideas, and people. 


Why does it make sense that Columbus thought he was in Asia?

If you take out the continents of North and South America, which were unknown at the time, you could sail to Asia.

Montezuma gave Cortez gifts including Gold and told him to please go away. What was this a bad idea?

Cortez was searching for gold and this showed him the Aztec Empire had plenty.


What is the difference between a good and a service?

A good is anything you buy that you can hold or touch. A service is an activity we pay someone else to do for us.


Using the provided map, list three things the Americas exported during the Columbian Exchange. 

Answers may vary. Example: tomatoes, corn, sunflowers.


Slave labor became increasingly popular during this time to work in mines or on plantations. What continent did the vast majority of slaves come from?



Why did Columbus exaggerate his descriptions of the Caribbean in his journals and letters to the King and Queen?  

He wanted to ensure funding for future expeditions. 


How did Amerigo Vespucci steal some glory from Christopher Columbus?

He used his travel experience, maps, and fame to convince people that the New World was a separate continent from Asia. America was later named after him. 


A resource is anything that is needed to produce goods and services. Thinking about the Columbian Exchange, name an example of a relevant natural, human, and capital resource. 

Answers may vary. Example: tobacco (natural), sailers (human), ships (capital)


Why is the map titled The Great Exchange? 

The map shows what important items were exchanged back and forth following Columbus' discoveries.