Christopher Columbus
Hernan Cortes
Ferdinand Magellan
Coronado & Ponce de Leon
Spains New Territory & Vocabulary

Christopher Columbus was looking for a water route to _______? 

Christopher Columbus was looking for a water route to Asia. 


What country did Hernan Cortes lead an expedition or journey to? 

He led an expedition or journey to Mexico. 


What country did Ferdinand Magellan sail for? 

He sailed for Spain. 


Coronado was a leader in what country? 

He was a leader in Mexico. 


What is a conquistador? 

A conquistador is a Spanish soldier who took, or claimed, land for Spain. 


When Columbus landed on an island in the Caribbean he called the people living there Indians. What did they call themselves? 

These people called themselves Tainos. 


Why did Cortes want to go to Mexico? 

Cortes heard about the land and riches of the Aztec Empire. He wanted to conquer them and claim the land for Spain. 


Ferdinand Magellan was looking for a water route to ________? 

He was looking for a water route to Asia. 


What was Ponce de Leon searching for on his voyage to the Americas?  

He was searching for a fountain of youth. 


What is a patron? 

A patron is a person who gives money to support another person or cause.


Where did Columbus get the money he needed for his voyage? 

Columbus got the money he needed for his voyage from the King and Queen of Spain. 


At the end of the two years battle between Cortes and the Aztec Empire, what happened to the Aztec city? 

After the two year battle, the Aztec city was destroyed or demolished. 


Although Magellan was looking for a water route to Asia, where did he land instead? 

Magellan landed in the Phillipines. 


Why did Coronado want to go to the Americas? Did he find what he was looking for? What did he get instead? 

Coronado wanted to go to the Americas to find treasure and riches. He never found what he was looking for. He did claim land for Spain. It is now called New Mexico and Arizona. 


What happened to the Native Indians that lived in the areas where the Spanish took over?

Many Native Indians died because of fighting and illness. 


Columbus thought he landed in Asia, but he did not. Where did Columbus land? 

Columbus landed on an island in the Caribbean Sea. 

At first, Cortes had a good relationship with the leader of the Aztecs. Why did this change? 

This changed because Cortes captured Montezuma and this led to fighting for two years. 


How are Magellan and Columbus alike? 

They are both explorers. 

They were both looking for a water route to Asia and sailed west to find it. 


Where did Ponce de Leon look for the fountain of youth? 

He led an expedition to what is now Florida. 


What is an expedition? 

An expedition is a journey or a long trip to somewhere new. People wanted to explore. 


What country did Christopher Columbus sail for and claim land for? 

Columbus sailed and claimed land for Spain. 


How are Cortes and Columbus alike?

They are both explorers. 

They both sail for Spain. 


Although Magellan died not too long after landing in the Philippines, some of his crew sailed back to Spain. The one ship that made it back was famous for _____________.  

They were famous for being the first ship to sail around the world. 


In what country did Juan Ponce de Leon settle?

He settled in the country of Puerto Rico. 


Spain came to the Americas and claimed land. They set up a colony and called it New Spain. What is that country called now? 

New Spain is now called Mexico.