Countries of Origin
A Series of Unfortunate Events
Why Explore?
Ships, Sails, and Seas
America the Beautiful

After failure in other countries, Columbus convinced these Spanish rulers to finance his trip across the Atlantic to the Indies.

Who are King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella?


This explorer was abandoned in a rowboat by his crew.

Who is Henry Hudson?


European explorers set sail to find sea routes to this location.

What are the Indies?


This ocean lies between Europe and the Americas.

What is the Atlantic Ocean?

Spanish explorer Ponce de Leon searched for the mythical Fountain of Youth in the area that is now this state.

What is Florida?


Henry the Navigator was prince of this European country.

What is Portugal?


This explorer's expedition encountered a volcanic explosion at the beginning of their voyage, which they believed to be a bad omen.

Who is Henry Hudson?


These three reasons for European exploration all start with the same letter of the alphabet.

What are God, gold, and glory?


Magellan's crew named this ocean when they passed into it from the strait in South America.

What is the Pacific Ocean?


De Soto was the first European to discover this major river in America.

What is the Mississippi River?


Samuel de Champlain sailed for this country.

What is France?


Hernan Cortes conquered what major civilization in Mexico?

What is the Aztecs?


This explorer's first trip was not to the Americas, but to Africa.

Who is Henry the Navigator?


The name of this ocean means "peaceful" and was given in hopes of a peaceful voyage.

What is the Pacific Ocean?


This Jamestown colony leader sent Henry Hudson a letter encouraging him to look for a northwest passage across the continent.

Who is John Smith?


This explorer was born in Italy, trained in Portugal, and sailed for Spain.

Who is Christopher Columbus?


This explorer was the sole survivor of a pirate attack as a teenager and found himself washed ashore a beach in Portugal.

Who is Christopher Columbus?


Portugal's early expeditions did not sail all the way around Africa to reach the Indies, but they began this significant line of trade. 

What is the slave trade?


This one word means "to travel all the way around" something, particularly around the world.

What is circumnavigate?


What Bible verse can Christians use to explain God's sovereignty as it relates to exploration and settling of newly discovered lands?

Acts 17:26-27 says God determines the allotted periods and boundaries of mankind's dwelling places.


These four European powers were in fierce competition for gold and glory in exploring the new world.

Who are Portugal, Spain, France, and England?


This captain was murdered in the Philippines before he could gain the glory of his voyage's success.

Who is Ferdinand Magellan?


This city was the most important trade city on Europe's land-route to Asia.

What is Constantinople?


This explorer commanded the first expedition to sail around the world.

Who is Ferdinand Magellan?


This explorer was the first European to see the Grand Canyon.

Who is Francisco de Coronado?