Name That Explorer
Reasons for Exploration
Just the Facts
A rebellion against the captain of a ship
What is a mutiny
Like Columbus, he thought he could sail west to get to Asia.
Who was John Cabot.
Christopher Columbus and John Cabot both thought you could reach Asia by doing this.
What is sailing west.
King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella from this country sponsored Columbus's expeditions.
What is Spain.
Name three things Europeans wanted from Asia.
What is gold, spices, silk, perfume, jewels
Another name for a map maker
What is a cartographer
He led the Spanish conquistadors who defeated the Aztecs
Who was Hernan Cortes
England, France and Holland sent explorers to the Americas for this.
What is they wanted to claim a share of the New World and they wanted to find a sea route to Asia.
Francisco Pizarro defeated the Incas in South America and claimed the land for this country.
What is Spain

A journey taken for a special reason is called this

What is an expedition


A water route that explorers wanted to find that cut through North America to Asia.

What was the Northwest Passage.

In 1492 he made his first voyage to find a water route to Asia by sailing west.
Who was Christopher Columbus
Samuel de Champlain started a trading post to trade goods like cloth and tools for what from Native Americans
What is fur
John Cabot claimed land in what is now Canada for this country.
What is England.
The reason Europeans needed to find a new trade route to Asia.
What is the Turks had captured Constantinople and closed the land route to Asia.

A time of learning and exploring in Europe that began in the 1400's

What is Renaissance

This explorer wanted to find gold and conquered the Incas for Spain.
Who was Francisco Pizarro
Both Cabot and Columbus thought you could reach Asia by sailing west. How was Cabot's route different than Columbus?
What is he sailed father north. He thought it would be a shorter trip.
Henry Hudson claimed land by the mouth of the Hudson River for this country.
What is Holland.

These were the results of European exploration on European countries.

What is they claimed large amounts of land in the Americas; they built colonies in North and South America; and they became wealthy from the gold and riches they took from the Americas.

A name given to a Spanish soldier or explorer who seized land and conquered the people living there
What is a conquistador
This explorer started a trading post and fur trade with the Huron Indians.
Who was Samuel de Champlain.
Name 3 reasons the Spanish explored the New World.
What is they wanted gold/riches, they wanted to claim new land, and they wanted to convert people to Christianity.
Jacques Cartier claimed land near New Foundland and the coast of North America for this country.
What is France.
The results of European exploration on Native Americans.
What is many died from disease, many were enslaved by the Europeans and they were pushed from their land as more European settlers arrived.