Christopher Columbus
Amerigo Vespucci
Adequate- enough Unity- condition of being one whole (religion) HARMONY
Define adequate and unity.
Conclusion- a decision or an idea reached by thoughtful study. Isthmus- a narrow strip that connects two larger land areas ( North & South America).
Define conclusion and isthmus.
-Columbus had to ask monarchs many times to travel and they said no. - Crew was grumbling and complaining about long voyage. - at night, it was difficult to spot land (lights?) - difficult to communicate with natives. - natives would not take him to gold.
What challenges did Columbus face on his journey of exploration?
Vespucci didn't believe Columbus had sailed to Asia. Sailed once to south of where Columbus landed, then again down coast of South America. Doesn't find anything about Cathay (gold, riches, marble), and the distance was to short the size of Asia didn't match.
How did Vespucci challenged Columbus?
Interpret- to see or understand in a certain way. Possession- something that is owned, territory owned by outside power.
Define interpret and possession.
Amerigo Vespucci
For whom was America named?
1. His goal was to find a route west of Spain and around world to Asia (instead of around Africa. 2. Crew sailed on three boats- Nina, Pinta, Santa Maria, 89 sailors, in 1492. 3. Had to bring back riches and natives to convert to the Catholic faith. 4. Landed on island of Guanahani and calmed it for Spain. 5. Met and communicated with natives, discovered gold ( nose ring).
List FIVE important facts about Columbus's journey.
Surprised- saw naked natives, they spoke fluently, they had weapons, yet grabbed sword. Appreciative- he knew they are poor, so he made sure his crew traded fairly, he needed them for gold and religion.
What did Columbus first think about the people of Guanahani?