Wild Card
What was the name of the Indian tribe that Columbus met when he landed in the Americas? a. Cherokee b. Iroquois c. Mohawk d. Taino
What is d. Taino
Who were the first people in America?
What is Native Americans (they valued land more then money)
Who inspired the name America?
What is Amerigo Vespucci
Which explorer discovered the Pacific Ocean? A. Dias B. Da Gama C. Vespucci D. Balboa E. Erikson F. Prince Henry the Navigator G. Columbus H. Magellan I. Erik the Red
What is D. Balboa
What were the names of Columbus' three ships?
What is Nina, Santa Maria, and the Pinta.
Define: skraeling
What is a wretched, indigenous people
On what date did Columbus' crew spot land? a. Oct. 12, 1492 b. Oct. 9, 1492 c. Aug. 28, 1692 d. Sept. 27, 1185
What is a. Oct. 12, 1492
What were the three g's that were the leading causes of European exploration?
What is God, gold, and glory.
Which explorer found a sea route to Asia? A. Dias B. Da Gama C. Vespucci D. Balboa E. Erikson F. Prince Henry the Navigator G. Columbus H. Magellan I. Erik the Red
What is B. Da Gama (claimed for Portugal)-important because Asia had great wealth, spices and culture. Christians could spread their faith. Marco Polo's books on travel inspired others to travel to Asia, but they wanted to avoid land merchants that had economic control.
Which explorer from Portugal started the Atlantic Slave Trade? A. Dias B. Da Gama C. Vespucci D. Balboa E. Erikson F. Prince Henry the Navigator G. Columbus H. Magellan I. Erik the Red
What is F. Prince Henry the Navigator (On a positive note, he founded a school of navigation, financed map making, and built an observatory).
Name given to ships the Vikings used? a. short ships b. long ships c. Vikships d. caravels
What is b. long ships
When did Leif Erikson sail the North American coast? a. Oct. 12, 1492 b. 1000 AD c. 1000 BC d. 1185 AD
What is b. 1000 AD
Why did Europeans want to find a sea route to Asia?
What is so they would not have to go across the land and deal with merchants.
Which explorer explored the coast of South America AND circumnavigated the globe? A. Dias B. Da Gama C. Vespucci D. Balboa E. Erikson F. Prince Henry the Navigator G. Columbus H. Magellan I. Erik the Red
What is H. Magellan
Columbus was sponsored by King __________ and Queen ______________ of Spain to explore the Americas, but he actually discovered the ____________.
What is Ferdinand, Isabel/ Bahamas (and he was originally from Italy)
The trading of goods between the Old and New World was known as the ___________ __________.
What is Columbian Exchange, which included exchanging foods, goods and animals (the trading also unfortunately resulted in diseases).
The line that divided Spain and Portugal was established during the Treaty of __________. a. Tordesailles b. Ghent c. Paris d. Columbus
What is a. Tordesailles (the Line of Demarcation was moved 1,185 miles in order to make it more fair).
The Vikings, led Leif Erikson, settled ___________ in the Americas.
What is Vinland (first map was called the Vinland Map and started the argument that the Vikings first discovered the Americas).
Which explorer found the "Cape of Good Hope" down the West Coast of Africa? A. Dias B. Da Gama C. Vespucci D. Balboa E. Erikson F. Prince Henry the Navigator G. Columbus H. Magellan I. Erik the Red
What is A. Dias
List two promises Columbus made to Spain that he would do or discover on his voyages?
What is 1. find new territories for Spain 2. Convert people to Catholicism 3. bring back treasures for Spain (Money)
List two inventions during the age of exploration
What is magnetic compass/ astrolabe/ rudders
What was the name of the Icelandic leader/explorer who first tried to colonize North America but was afraid of the "skraelings", or indigenous people who were unfriendly.
What is Thorfinn Karsefni
Why is Columbus considered "complex"?
What is use your notes to support your reasons
Which explorer found Greenland? A. Dias B. Da Gama C. Vespucci D. Balboa E. Erikson F. Prince Henry the Navigator G. Columbus H. Magellan I. Erik the Red
What is I. Erik the Red
T/F: The Vikings were plunderers.
What is True