Did Columbus really discover America?
Christopher Columbus
Spanish Explorers
French Explorers
English Explorers
The Native Americans first came to America from a land bridge connecting North America with
What is Asia.
Columbus believed the world was _______________.
What is round.
Who conquered the Aztecs in Mexico in 1519?
What is Hernando Cortez.
Which explorer established Quebec, explored teh Great Lakes area in 1608 and made friends with the Huron Indians?
What is Champlain.
Which explorer disappeared on his second voyage to the New World? In 1497 he explored Nova Scotia.
What is Newfoundland and Labrador.
What is the name of the Viking who traveled from Iceland then to Newfoundland in Canada?
What is Leif Ericson.
Columbus read books written by this person. This made Coumbus want to travel to the Indie's.
What is Marco Polo.
Which explorer set out to find cities of gold but found the Pueblo and Plains Indians instead?
What is Francisco Coronado.
Which explorer found Mont Real? He also found teh mouth of the St. Lawrence River in Canada?
What is Jacques Cartier.
Which explorer's ship was sunk in a Spanish port in 1582 because the Spanish government did not want the English trading with their colonies?
What is Sir Frances Drake.
What is the name of the person who a German schoolteacher named the New World after?
What is Vespucius, Americus Vespucius, Americo Vespucci, Vespucci.
In what year did Columbus discover America?
What is 1492.
What is the name of the first settlement in the New World?
What is St. Augustine.
In 1672, this explorer along with Louis Joliet were sent by the governor of New France to find a river that went to the Pacific Ocean.
What is Father Marquette.
What was the name of teh large fleet of ships the Spanish got together to fight the English in 1488?
What is the Spanish Armada.
Approximately how many years ago did the first Native Americans come to America?
What is 20,000.
Columbus read books written by this person. This made Columbus want to travel to the Indie's.
What is Marco Polo.
Where did Ponce de Leon look for teh Fountain of Youth?
What is Florida.
This explorer was an Italian sailor sent by the French king who came to the NEw world in 1524 looking for a westward passage.
What is Verranzano.
What was the first English settlement in the New World?
What is Jamestown Colony.
In 1492 which continent had more Native Americans?
What is South America.
What is the name of the island Columbus landed on during his first voyage to the New World?
What is San Salvador.
What great river was first crossed by DeSoto and his men?
What is the Mississippi River.
Who named all the land drained by the Mississippi River for a French king? He also discovered the mouth of teh Mississippi River in 1682.
What is Robert LaSalle.
Who was the first Englishman to sail around the world?
What is Sir Frances Drake.