Food Service Industry
Nutrition & Wellness
Travel & Tourism
Time Managment
Personal Development

Good Communication and Physical Speed and Strength are two important ones to have.

What are skills and traits in the Food Service Industry?


This is the USDA's guide to healthy eating and nutrition.

What is My Plate?


Airlines, Car rentals, cruise lines, trains and bus services are all examples.

What are Travel related businesses?


This is the process of organizing and planning how to divide your time between specific activities.

What is time management?


These are things we feel strongly about and are important to us, that help guide our actions, decisions and goals. 

What are Values?


This is a a large vehicle equipped with facilities for cooking and selling food.

What is a food truck?


Whole wheat breads, rice and pasta are examples.

What are the Grains group?


Hotels, tour guides, visitor centers and convention centers are all examples.

What are Tourism related businesses?


With good time management skills, you can work smarter, not ____?

What is harder?


Examples would be at home, from our family, from our church, books we read, things we see online, and friends. 

Where do we get our Values?

These are bills that do not usually change each month, like insurance or employee salaries.

What are fixed expenses?


This describes the nutritional content of food and is intended to guide the consumer in food selections.

What is a Food Label or Nutrition Facts Label?

Some examples include translators, photographers, cruise directors.

What are careers in Tourism?


This is a list breaking down all the things you do in a day, to give you a better picture of how you are spending your time.

What is an activity log?


This is an acronym, and it is a 6 step strategy to help us sort through our options.

What is the DECIDE strategy?

Examples include a catering manager, server, head chef and baker.

What are jobs in the Food Service Industry?


This info includes the ingredient list, portion size and contact info of the company. 

What is Mandatory Nutrition Label information?


This is the assistance or advice that is provided by a business to anyone who uses its products or services. 

What is Customer Service?


This is when we divide up our To Do List into categories: Urgent, Important and It Can Wait. 

What is Prioritization?


There are two - internal, which happens inside yourself, and external which comes from rewards or praise from others.

What are the Types of Motivation?


Parts of this business include food prep, supply and ingredient management, customer service, and advertising/marketing to let customers know where you'll be located. 

What is a Food Truck business?


They help people understand the relationship between diet, health, exercise and food preparation.

Who are people that have careers in Nutrition & Wellness? 

Some examples include patience, politeness, good listening and good communication. 

What are skills or traits needed for Good Customer Service?


This is the process when we use self control and motivation to get started on a task, and then we begin to feel overwhelmed or fear failure, followed by factors such as exhaustion, so we delay getting the task done. 

What is the Cycle of Procrastination?


An example of this would be how we want to spend our money and what we want to spend our money on.

What are Material Values?