Identifying Forces
Explaining Forces
Measuring Forces
Balanced/Unbalanced Forces

Identify the type of force mentioned in each scenario:

1. Air pushes against a skydiver. 

2. A student pushes their chair in after class.

3. A launched rocket falls back down to Earth.

1. Friction

2. Applied

3. Gravity


What two things affects the amount of gravity between two objects?

Mass and the distance between the two objects.

Lily pushes a shopping cart with a force of 25 N to the right. At the same time, a strong gust of wind pushes against the cart with a force of 10 N to the left. What is the net force acting on the shopping cart, and in which direction will it move?

The cart will move to the right with a net force of 15 N.


Does the diagram show balanced or unbalanced forces?  Explain if someone would win the game.

The forces are unbalanced because there would be a net force of 20N to the right.  The woman would win.


Identify the forces shown by the arrows in this picture:

1. Applied

2. Normal


What could affect the force shown by the arrow in the image?

Changing the surface underneath the box.


Two friends are pushing a sled. Sarah pushes with a force of 30 N, and Alex pushes with a force of 25 N, both in the same direction. What is the net force acting on the sled, and in which direction will it move?

The sled will move with a net force of 55 N in the direction both Sarah and Alex are pushing.


Two kids argue over a croc toy.  They both pull on it, but it remains in between the kids, unmoved.  Explain why this happens.

The toy doesn't move because the kids' forces are balanced.


Name two non-contact forces and give a real-world example of each.

Answers will vary but should include magnetism and gravity!


You push a toy car across the floor. What kind of force are you applying to make the car move, and what might stop the car from moving after you stop pushing?

The force you are applying is called an applied force. After you stop pushing, friction between the car and the floor will eventually slow it down and stop it.


Jack pushes a box with a force of 40 N to the right, but friction between the box and the floor applies a force of 15 N to the left. What is the net force on the box, and will the box move?

The box will move to the right with a net force of 25 N.


A rocket is preparing to launch into space. When the rocket engines ignite, they push exhaust gases downward with great force. According to Newton’s Third Law, explain the force that acts on the rocket.

A simultaneous force pushes the rocket up with the same amount of force as the gases push down.