This can help you find the distance between two towns on a map
The Map Scale
The imaginary line that runs around Earth, halfway between the North and South Poles
The Equator
The number of miles between each degree of Latitude
69 miles
How many continental times zones does the United States have?
The place you would check if you were reading a road map and you wanted to know which roads were interstate highways
The Map Key
The name for the small circle in "90° S"
Location of 90° N
The North Pole
What happens to meridians as they get closer to the North and South Poles?
They get closer together
It looks like a ruler on the map
The Map Scale
The set of numbers and letters that allow you to pinpoint a location on the map.
Another name for Latitude
The imaginary line that divides Earth into Eastern and Western Hemispheres
The Prime Meridian
Another word for the height of a place on a map
On a map, it is the symbol with four arrows pointing in different directions
Compass Rose
Pacific, Mountain, Eastern and Central are the names of what?
The continental times zones
Degrees can be divided into smaller units to make a more precise location. What are the smaller units called?
The number of time zones on Earth
The term for the lines that run east to west
Term for the lines that run north to south
What happens to lines of Latitude as you move North and South
They remain parallel and never cross
The line that generally follows the 180° longitude and determines the calendar
The International Dateline
On a physical map different colors on a mountain tell about what?
Elevation of the mountain