Language Development, Language Diversity, and Immigrant Education
Culture and Diversity
Creating Learning Environments
Teaching Every Student
Classroom Assessment, Grading, and Standardized Testing
Programs or classes that are designated to teach English to students who are not native speakers.
What is English as a Second Language (ESL)?
The knowledge, attitudes, values, and traditions that guide the behavior of a group and allow them to solve the problems of living in their environment.
What is Culture?
A skill used by teachers that involves always scanning the room, making eye contact, and being aware of everything happening in the classroom.
What is Withitness?
A flexible approach to teaching that matches content, process, and product based on student differences in readiness, interests, and learning needs.
What is Differentiated Instruction?
The scoring of answers does not require interpretation; examples include multiple choice, matching, and true/false.
What is Objective Testing?
The understanding and appropriate use of language rules to effectively communicate in a particular culture.
What are Pragmatics?
The unfair treatment of a particular category of people that usually results from prejudice.
What is Discrimination?
The act of hearing the intent and emotions behind what another says and reflecting them back by paraphrasing.
What is Empathetic Listening?
The three dimensions that Pianta identified as being important to classroom climate.
What are Affective, Cognitive, and Behavioral?
Two forms of assessment bias.
What are Unfair Penalization and Offensiveness?
This type of language is typically spoken in a student's home and differs from the majority language of a particular society.
What is Heritage Language?
The complex combination of beliefs about gender roles and sexual orientation.
What is Sexual Identity?
One goal of classroom management that aims to increase the amount of time students spend actively involved in an activity or task.
What is Engaged Time?
A view that focuses on the active role of the student in learning and where planning is shared between the student and the teacher.
What is the Constructivist Approach?
A psychometric property that must be present prior to the establishment of validity.
What is Reliability?
A term used to describe an explicit understanding of language, and the ability to consciously express and extend one's knowledge of language rules.
What is Meta-Linguistic Awareness?
The study of the conversational conventions within cultural groups.
What is Sociolinguistics?
A term that describes the ability to keep as many students as possible involved in activities.
What is Group Focus?
The maintenance of student performance at a certain level because teachers don't recognize improvements.
What is the Sustaining Expectation Effect?
The score a student would get if the measurement were completely accurate and error-free.
What is the True Score?
The country with the 5th largest Spanish-speaking population in the world.
What is the United States?
The concept demonstrated when an Asian student feels extra emotional or anxious about answering a difficult calculus question correctly in front of the class.
What is Stereotype Threat?
This is an effective teacher with African American students who shows both high expectations and great caring.
What is a Warm Demander?
A learning strategy in which two students take turns summarizing material and then offering critiques.
What is Scripted Cooperation?
A performance test or demonstration of learning that is public and usually takes an extended time to prepare.
What is an Exhibition?