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They begin by observing. First they count orange trees. They compare their counts to past years. A drop in the numbers may mean that some trees are dying. Scientists want to learn why. What is the Main Idea?

Scientists begin by observing


Main Idea: Sea grass is an important part of the food chain. Which detail supports this Main Idea? A. Sea grass gives food and shelter to other living things. B. Scientists start by counting plants in one place.

A. Sea grass gives food and shelter to other living things.


Scientists also use computers. Computers help them analyze data. Computers find patterns in data. These help scientists to predict weather. Scientists around the world share this knowledge. What is the Main Idea?

Scientists use computers to help them with things.


Main Idea: Sea grass seem to be dying. Which details supports this? A. I love sea grass. B. Mold can kill weak plants. C. Scientists will test this idea. D They can record dogs. E. Perhaps the extra salt made the sea grass weak.

B. Mold can kill weak grass. E. Perhaps the extra salt made the sea grass weak.


Scientists around the world share knowledge. They communicate in many ways. They post information on websites. They gather at meetings and give reports. They publish in magazines and newspapers. What is the Main Idea?

Scientists share a lot of information.


Main Idea: Scientists observe in different ways. Which detail supports this Main Idea? A. Some dive into the water to observe. B. Oceans cove more than 70 percent. C. I want to be a scientist. D. Some scientists travel on special ships. E. Sea Grass beds change each year.

A. Some dive into the water to observe. D. Some scientists travel on special ships.