Soviet Bloc
You put the "U" in UNITY

The Shattering effect of a high explosive


Initiating Explosive is

Extremely sensitive to heat, shock and friction.

Least powerful, most sensitive. Under normal conditions will not burn they detonate if ignited

This is the best way to search for existing clients in the system.
What is Last Name
This is a bimonthly meeting where people that use UNITY can come to review processes and changes in the system, share successes, troubleshoot problems, and play fun games such as UNITY jeopardy.
What is the UNITY User Group Meeting
This agency manages Hillsborough County's HMIS operation on behalf of the CoC.
What is the Homeless Coalition

What is Toxicity

Adverse effects explosives can have on the body


Boosters are?

The most powerful of the high explosive groups. Second in sensitivity. A small amount of unconfined booster explosive will burn when ignited. Must be powerful enough to detonate insensitive charge

This is the tab where you can set goals and action steps with your clients.
What is the Case Plans tab
These include Name, DOB, Race, Ethnicity, Gender, Homeless status, Veterans status, Disabling Condition, Chronic Homeless status, ect.
What is Universal Data Elements
This is what "CoC" is an acronym for.
What is Continuum of Care

What is Power

The total energy available to accomplish work


A bursting Charge is?

An insensitive explosive used in large quantities.

Bursting charge in rockets and projectiles, main charge in bomb type munitions

With this module, you can search for provider information by provider name or keyword (i.e. food, housing, etc.).
What is the ResourcePoint module
A hard to reach population of people that that can be tracked in the system.
What is Unaccompanied Youth
This group is made up of various members of the CoC and community and is regarded as the "workgroup" of the UNITY system. They assist in the development of the policies and procedures that govern the system as well as many of the systematic changes that occur within UNITY.
What is the Advisory Committee

What is Volatility

The speed at which an explosive gives off vapors

This is who it is alright to share your user name and password with.
Who is No-one
This is where you can view system/agency news and your follow up list. You can also set counts reports to show various things such as clients with null UDEs, clients currently checked into a shelter, and your clients with unserved needs among many other things.
What is your Home Page
This states that you will not share your password with anyone else, you will only view, obtain, disclose, or use information that is only necessary to the job, and that you agree to collect a ROI and Notice of Uses and Disclosures from each client. There are many other things that are outlined, but I am running out of space in this text box.
What is the User Agreement
This is required to be done biannually and is used to provide an overview of the state of homelessness in our CoC.
What is the Homeless PIT Count

What is Ballistic Effects

The study of the combustion of gas generation combined with its effect on the acceleration of a projectile

These are the two forms that all clients must sign regarding UNITY
What is the ROI and Notice of Uses and Disclosures
In the SSOM, how many different categories are available for measurement (i.e. Adult Education, Employment, Income, Life Skills, Mental Health) Hint: There are at least 5.
What is 17
One of the deliverables that can be pulled out of UNITY.
What is Unmet Need or Unduplicated Count
This is an annual report that goes to Congress that shows the number and characteristics of people that use homeless services and their patterns of use in our CoC.
What is the AHAR (Annual Homeless Assessment Report)