Multiply: 22 ∙ 23
What is 25 or 32?
Simplify: (2a)2
What is 4a2?
Divide: 45/42
What is 43 or 64?
Find the value of (5/2)3
What is 125/8?
Simplify: a0
What is 1
Year of Zilban's birth
What is 1990?
Multiply: 33 ∙ 35
What is 38 or 6561?
Simplify: (3x)3
What is 27x3?
Divide: 78/73
What is 75 or 16,807?
Find the value of (1/3)4
What is 1/81?
Simplify: 3x0
What is 3?
Zilban's astrological sign
What is Leo?
Multiply: 102 ∙ 105∙ 10-6
What is 101 or 10?
Simplify: (2a3)5
What is 32a15?
Divide: 109/10
What is 108 or 10,000,000?
Find the value of (2/11)3
What is 8/1331?
Simplify: 2x+(9y)0
What is 2x+1?
What are chocolate, cinnamon, and green tea?
Multiply: 3x9 ∙ 2x3
What is 6x12?
Simplify: (4x2)3
What is 64x6?
Divide: 2x7/x2
What is 2x5?
Find the value of (x/x4)2
What is x2/x8 or x-6 ?
Simplify: 2x2+4x(x0)
What is 2x2+4x?
All of the states Zilban has lived in.
What are Virginia, Illinois, California, and Oregon?
Multiply: x ∙ x6 ∙ x-10
What is x-3 or 1/x3?
Simplify: (-3a4)2
What is 9a8?
Divide: 12x12/2x3
What is 6x9?
Find the value of (x/y2)-3
What is (x-3/y-6) or y6/x3?
Simplify: (4a0)-6x0
What is -2?
Color of Zilban's eyes
What are brown?