What do we call numbers that seem to hang in the air and are smaller than typical numbers. For example, the 3 in 23.
An exponent.
Simplify the given expression:
41 OR 4
Simplify the given expression:
m4•x7 OR x7•m4 OR m4x7 OR x7m4
Ashley has a square patch of grass that she needs to determine the area of to create her garden. If one of the sides of the square has a length of b3cm, then what would the area of the square be?
What is my favorite color?
What is the name for the large number that is raised to an exponent? For example, the 2 in the expression 23?
The Base
Simplify the given expression:
7-1 = 1/7
Simplify the following expression:
Mrs. Abigail is trying to teach Mrs. Ford how to divide with exponents. The problem they are looking at says to do 33 divided by 39 power. Mrs. Ford lost her flip book! What does Mrs. Ford need to do to combine her exponents and what will she get as her final answer?
33/39 = 3-6 = 1/(36)
How many siblings do I have?
Two, but they're both less cool than I am
The equation 23•24=27 displays which property of exponents?
The product of powers property.
Multiplying with Exponents.
Simplify the given expression:
Simplify the following expression:
x⁴y² × x³y⁵
A student was told to simplify the expression (a14)-(0.5)
The student gave an incorrect answer of a7. Why was the student incorrect, and what answer should they have given?
They did not multiply 14 by -0.5 because they would have gotten -7 instead of 7. The correct answer should have been 1/(a7)
Where did I go to college?
Carson-Newman University
The equation b4÷b3=b displays which property of exponents?
The quotient of a power property.
Dividing with exponents
Simplify the following expression:
((n⁴)³ × n²) ÷ n16
Simplify the following expression:
(a²b³)² ÷ a³b
A certain number, m, is squared and then multiplied by itself raised to an unknown power. The product of both values is m8. What would the original expression be before multiplying?
m2 • m6
What year did I graduate 8th grade?
The equation (a3)4=212 displays which property of exponents?
The power of a power property.
Exponents raised to powers.
Simplify the following expression:
(a²)³ × (a5)-² ÷ (a⁴)-6
Simplify the following expression:
(m³n²)² × m⁴n ÷ (mn²)³
Emma is designing a video game where players collect power crystals. She created a formula to calculate the strength of a special combination crystal.
The power formula for this crystal is (x²y³)⁴ ÷ (x⁵y)².
Emma wants to simplify this expression to more easily calculate power levels in the game. What is the simplified form of this expression?
When I was in 8th grade, I got in trouble while on a field trip and Mr. Chambers had to sit me out with the chaperones for the rest of that day. What did I get in trouble for?
I bought a milkshake at McDonald's when we were only allowed to get soft drinks.