Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapters 3-5
Chapters 6-9

The application of the principles of Biblical exposition to the art & science of apologetics, & is based on the inerrancy, infallibility, sufficiency & authority of the Bible.

What is Expository Apologetics?


Humbleness, faithfulness & submission to this are conducts through the Believer that wins the respect of outsiders.

What is Authority?


The answer to sin is not more information, it's this.

What is repentance?


When you find yourself in a conversation with someone who is advocating for a theological, political, or philosophical idea that is at odds with /biblical Christianity, don't war... Do this instead.

What is Dance?


The 3 things that expository apologetics is about are being Biblical, being easy to remember & being this.

What is Conversational?


Unity of mind, sympathy, brotherly love, tender heart & a humble mind are attitude traits of this.

What is "The Apologists?"


If man's problem is unrighteousness, we rely on [____]

What is "The Gospel?"


Some people claim that there is an 11th Commandment, which states "Thall shalt be this."

What is Nice?


The 2 areas of Vindication include vindicating through answering objections & this.

What is "Wrestling with Error?"


According to Proverbs 15:1, "A soft answer turns away wrath, but this stirs up anger."

What is "A Harsh Word?"


What is the name & number of this Commandment?

What is The 8th Commandment, "Thall shall not Steal?"


There are 3 things to remember when you are sharing the truth with an unbeliever: You are not claiming to be better than the person you're speaking to, you're engaged in a conversation & your ideas & opinions have as much standing as theirs, & your assignment is to be [______].

What is Faithful?


This bible verse says "But in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect"

What is 1 Peter 3:15?


The word "Apologetics" comes from the Greek word "Apologia," which means this.

What is "Make A Defense?"


Jesus makes it clear that the law is both good & permanent, we are incapable of keeping it in & of ourselves & we as Christians are both able & expected to go beyond it because of our union & this with Christ.

What is communion?


There are 3 reasons for expository preaching: Preaching is an act of persuasion, expository apologetics is a vital part of preaching because "we preach Christ crucified, a stumbling block to jews & folly to Gentiles (1 Cor. 1:23)," & even believers wrestle with [________]

What is unbelief?


The Churchgoer, The Disciple & The [______] are the 3 audiences of expository apologetics.

What is The Heathen?


We must know what we believe, why we believe it & we must be willing & able to explain that belief to others in this way.

What is Winsome?


The first 4 Commandments are [_______] centered, whereas the last 6 are Man centered.

Who is God?


If we are going to engage in expository apologetics, we should follow the Apostle's lead & refuse to avoid [__________].

What is Difficult Questions?