The model of body fat percentage that we use in class.
What is the 2-Component Model?
Doctors use this for ease and convenience to measure body composition.
What is BMI?
Skinfold Fat Thickness is measured using this tool.
What are Skinfold Calipers?
This substrate is stored in adipose tissue.
What are Lipids?
The proper Caloric count for a carbohydrate.
What is 4.1?
The main goal for most people trying to lose weight.
What is Lose Fat and Gain Muscle?
Body Mass Index was first devised in.
What is 1832?
Most expensive form of body composition.
What are DEXA Scans?
The least common fuel source.
What are Protein and Amino Acids?
The proper caloric count for a protein macronutrient.
What is 4.0?
Body fat measurement device that measures bone density.
What is a DEXA Scan?
The best way to determine body composition.
What is Body Fat Composition?
Most accurate form of body composition measurement.
What is Hydrostatic Weighing?
The most common form to measure Metabolism.
What are Heart Rate Monitors + Motion Sensors?
When caloric intake is more than caloric output.
What is a Caloric Surplus?
Name a Bioelectric Impedance device.
What is an InBody or Handheld device?
Ancel Keys said this in his 1972 study.
What is, not intended for medical use?
Air Plethysmography is used for...
What is the BodPod
Creating glucose from non-carbohydrate sources.
What is Gluconeogenesis?
When caloric output is more than intake.
What is Caloric Deficit?
Name the main kind of fat tissue in our body.
What is Adipose tissue?
The main issue with Ancel Keys 1972 study.
This form of Body Composition measurement can measure BMR.
What are Research Grade BodPods?
Metabolic improvements can be found through this easy method.
What is Exercise Efficiency?
All you would need to lose weight.
What is a Caloric Deficit?