Why we translate the story of יהודה ותמר
To learn from the תשובה of יהודה
The spaces in this board game are named after the streets of Atlantic City, NJ
Where you can tell the idol worshipper to place his עבודה זרה
In his שי"ן תי"ו
In יעקב's retelling of the death of רחל, he mentions he was on the way to this city
בבא מציעא
Perhaps why we should not translate story of לוט and his daughters
It looks bad for אברהם
Picking a 4 moves you backwards in this game
What you can call someone who is engaging in sketchy עבירות
גימ"ל שי"ן
City that יעקב gifted to יוסף
The reason not to translate מעשה בראשית - even though we do
Can lead to too many questions
Landing in Licorice Lagoon means losing a turn in this game
Candy Land
Not doing this can lead to רבא hammering you
Saying קריאת שמע without כונה
This שבט is compared to a חמור by יעקב
We can't translate this if it includes בן דוד
Story of אמנון
This game encourages overeating amongst semiaquatic mammals
Hungry Hungry Hippos
Why it was good that ר' שמעון בר רבי's father was a לוי
He has a thick voice
He was promised a portion of land by the sea
Despite our concern for שבט בנימין, this is still translated
פילגש בגבעה
This game includes Spare Ribs and a Broken Heart
Why רבי אליעזר accused someone's mother of indecent behavior
He wanted to read about the indecent behavior of ירושלים
These weapons were used by יעקב to capture שכם from the אמורי