We The People
We are in charge, popular sovereignty
The King suspended the colonists right to trial by _____. (hint: a 7th amendment right)
A vocal coach might teach you how to raise your ___ ___ ___
Ya ya ya
We have separate branches of government that have different roles and responsibilites
Ancient Rome
Natural Rights
Provide for the Common Defence
Protect the nation from invasion, military
The King Suspended the right of habeas corpus, which is ______
The court must present evidence if you are detained
Squidward might ask, "erm, what the _____?"
We have a justice system that holds people accountable for wrongdoing
Judeo-Christian tradition (ethical ideas of justice)
Popular Sovereignty
"We The People," people have the power, consent of the governed
Promote the General Welfare
Help the people with things that make life better! Healthcare, roads, schools, etc.
The supporters of the Declaration of Independence might say,
"No T w/o R"
No Taxation without Representation!
Ninja might recommend this haircut
Low Taper Fade
Florida voters directly vote on amendments to the state consitution
Government Transparency
The government can't keep secrets unless it's for national security, the government has to operate in the open
Secure the Blessings of Liberty to Ourselves and our Posterity
We pass on freedom to future generations, keep liberty alive for the future, through education and voting
These are the rights that are outlined in the DOI Preamble (yes, it has a preamble too)
L, L, & T P O H
Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happyness
You might say this after throwing a small object into a water bottle from a long distance
I understand it now!
Ancient Rome (republicanism)
Rule of Law
Everyone is equal under the rule of law and it applies to everyone equally!
Establish Justice AND Domestic Tranquility
Justice - legal system, rule of law
Domestic tranquility - peace at home
The idea of limited government is found is BOTH of these documents
English Bill of Rights and the Magna Carta
After winning Fortnite you might say "another day, another _____ ____ ___ ____"
Victory for the OG
Citizens take an active role in their community
Ancient Greece or Ancient Rome (civic participation)
Religious Liberty
Freedom to worship any way you want -- the government can't establish an official religion